Windows 7 Media Player opens in small windows


New Member
Feb 23, 2009
Can anything be done to open Media Player to a lrge or larger window ? :confused:

To open Windows Media Player in a larger window, you can follow these steps:

1. Basic Approach:
- Double-click on the Windows Media Player shortcut on your desktop or search for "Windows Media Player" in the Start menu and open it.
- Once the Windows Media Player is open, you can manually resize the window by clicking and dragging the edges or corners of the window to make it larger.

2. Keyboard Shortcut:
- You can also try using the keyboard shortcut Alt + Enter while Windows Media Player is in focus. This shortcut may toggle the window between full-screen and windowed mode depending on the player's current state.

3. Advanced Method:
- If you prefer a specific size for the Windows Media Player window every time you open it, you can create a shortcut with specific window dimensions.
- Right-click on the desktop and go to "New" > "Shortcut."
- In the location field, type: wmplayer.exe /prefetch:1 /Open "%UserProfile%\Music" /Device:AudioCD
- Click "Next," give the shortcut a name, and save it.
- Right-click the newly created shortcut, go to "Properties" > "Shortcut" tab > "Run" dropdown, and select "Maximized."

By using these methods, you should be able to control the window size of Windows Media Player to open in a larger window when needed.
