Windows 7 Missing hard drives/partitions and optical drives


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Missing optical drives

OK so you have lost your DVD/CD drive after installing Windows 7 Beta. Heres how to fix it:


Apparently it seems that this is an age old fix for even XP systems. If you venture to the registry key above by doing the following steps:
  1. Click on the start menu.
  2. In the search box type in “regedit” without the quotation marks.
  3. Maximize the HKLM and then go ahead and browse until you reach the key listed above.
  4. In the right panel you’ll see something along the lines of “UpperFilter” and “LowerFilter” you want to click on each “filter” key and hit delete. Click yes when it asks to confirm if you wish to delete the key.
  5. Restart Windows.
As always, no warranty is implied here, and you edit the registry at your own risk. You might want to make sure you have a good backup prior to doing any registry editing.

Sometimes on 64bit machines the problem is because the drivers are not signed. There are 2 things you can try

1. Hitting f8 on start up, and choosing disable driver signature enforcement.
2. Running this command as admin in command prompt:

bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

This will hopefully stop Windows warning you the drivers are not signed and let you use them.

Missing hard drives/partions

So you have set up a dual boot and cant find your XP/Vista drive/partition?
This is caused because by default they both have "C" as the drive letter and they are conflicting. Easy fixed you just need to give your old drive a new letter.

Right click Computer and click Manage. On the left click Disk Management and find your XP/Vista partition and give it a new letter there by right clicking it and choosing Change drive letter and paths... You can give it any letter you want provided its not already in use. Should appear straight away.

Good Luck!

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The steps provided are useful for resolving issues related to missing optical drives and missing hard drives/partitions on Windows systems. Here is a breakdown and explanation of the process outlined:

### Fix for Missing Optical Drives:
1. Registry Key Location:
- Navigate to the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}

2. Steps to Access Registry Editor:
- Click on the Start menu.
- Type "regedit" into the search box (without quotation marks) and press Enter.
- Maximize HKLM and browse to the specified registry key.

3. Deletion of Keys:
- In the right panel, locate and delete "UpperFilter" and "LowerFilter" keys.
- Confirm the deletion when prompted.

4. Restart:
- Restart Windows after deleting the keys.

### Fix for Missing Optical Drives on 64-bit Machines:
1. Unsigned Driver Issue Resolution:
- Two solutions for dealing with unsigned driver warnings:
- Press F8 during startup and choose to disable driver signature enforcement.
- Run the command bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS as an administrator in the Command Prompt.

### Fix for Missing Hard Drives/Partitions:
1. Dual-Boot Conflict Resolution:
- Dual-boot setups might cause conflicts due to both drives having the "C" drive letter.
- Resolve the conflict by assigning a new drive letter to the XP/Vista partition.
- Access the Computer Management tool by right-clicking on Computer and selecting Manage.
- In the Disk Management section, locate the XP/Vista partition.
- Right-click on the partition and choose Change drive letter and paths... to assign a new letter that is not already in use.

Following these steps should help resolve issues with missing optical drives and missing hard drives/partitions on your Windows system. Be cautious when editing the registry and ensure you have backups before making any changes.
