Windows 7 movies in windows media center


New Member
Jan 12, 2009
i like the new movies section in media center but i am wondering how it compares to the myMovies plugin. i pointed it to my movies folder on my nas and it sees all the movies but doent seem to have any metadata for nay of them... and only covers for a few of them... is there a good way to get this meta data? can i some how import it from a mymovies database?

also i wonder about the blockign of movies that exceed a certain ratign... can the new built in movies section handle that?

Comparing the Movies section in Windows Media Center to the myMovies plugin is an interesting topic. Let's break down your questions:

1. Metadata for Movies:
- Windows Media Center: The Movies section in Windows Media Center may not always have the most comprehensive metadata for all movies, especially if the files are stored on a NAS. It relies on the metadata available within the media files themselves or in dedicated metadata files accompanying the movies.
- myMovies Plugin: myMovies, being a specialized movie management plugin, typically offers more advanced options for managing and displaying metadata. It often fetches metadata from online databases like IMDb, TMDb, or others, providing detailed information about the movies in your collection.

2. Importing Metadata:
- If you have metadata organized in a myMovies database, you may be able to export that metadata and import it into the Movies section in Windows Media Center. However, this process may require some manual work and potentially using third-party tools to convert and import the data.

3. Blocking Content by Rating:
- Windows Media Center: The built-in Movies section in Windows Media Center doesn't have a native feature to block or restrict access to movies based on their ratings. It primarily focuses on organizing and playing media content.
- Third-Party Tools: To enforce restrictions based on movie ratings, you might need to utilize third-party parental control software or custom solutions that integrate with your media library.

If you are looking for a way to enhance the metadata for your movie collection and enforce content restrictions based on ratings, you might consider exploring third-party plugins or software that specialize in these features. Additionally, manual organization of metadata or exploring other media center applications may offer more customization options for your specific needs.
