
Excellent Member
Mar 4, 2013
I'm currently in the process of getting parts for a new computer build.
So far I have a Asus Maximus VIII Hero mobo and a Samsung 850 EVO 500GB. M/2 ssd for it. I'm also going to be re-using the Seagate Barracuda 3.0TB h.d , Intel 530 Series 400GB ssd (for Games), Lite On DVD-RW, Lite ON Blu-ray burner and memory card reader from my current pc.
I'm also going to be getting a NZXT Phantom 820 case. G-Skill Ripjaws-Z DDR 4 3200 ram (32GBS) and a Corsair HX-1000i psu for the new pc.
I need suggestions between the following part's for the new pc.
The heatsink is either going to be a EK-XLC Predator 240 or a Corsair Hydro Series H-100i GTX.
With either one, I'll be using 4 EK-Furious Vardar FF5-120 (3000rpm) fans in push/pull.
I also need help deciding between 2 GeForce GTX 4.0GB or 2 AMD Radeon 390X 4.0GB video cards.
I'm ordering a Intel Core i5 6600K cpu on Thursday and eventually plan on upgrading it to a Core i7 6700K in early 2017.
Keep in mind, I'm on permanent disability (Social Security) for life and can't afford to spend over $300.00 on a part/s in a month.
The pc won't be built until May as I won't have all parts until then minus the new video cards.
I'll be using my current GeForce GTX 760's until then, but they need to go back inn this pc, so I can sell it.
All suggestions appreciated between the AIO's and video card's.
P.S. PC will be running Windows 10 Pro x64.

I'm ordering a Intel Core i5 6600K cpu on Thursday and eventually plan on upgrading it to a Core i7 6700K in early 2017.
The i3 is better bang for your buck... for a system you will update again later I'd skip the i5 as they just arn't a good chip for the money.

P.S. PC will be running Windows 10 Pro x64.
Will this system be running hyper-v or vmware at any point?

Corsair Hydro Series H-100i GTX.

I have a mate with this and he is a very happy gamer but the room will worm up on you when it kicks in so perhaps a air-con system is then needed to keep you cool?

Newegg was out of the Intel Core i5 6600K cpu. Amazon want's too much money for it.
I got my G-Skill Ripjaws V DDR4 3200 ram out of the way. I got 2 kit's of the following on sale: G.SKILL Ripjaws V Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 3200 (PC4 25600) Intel Z170 Platform Desktop Memory Model F4-3200C16D-16GVGB -
My pc should be done in April now thanks to getting the ram on sale.
The 2 new video card's will be purchased in June & July.

Yes the new i7 is very $$$ and thats pushing the price of i5 up as well... on sale is always a nice bonus

Actually I'm getting the Core i5 6600K.
Amazon want's $319.99 for it. Newegg is out of it, but they only charge #279.99 for it.
I had the reverse happen when I bought my Samsung 850 EVO 500GB M.2 ssd for this new build. Amazon was $60.00 cheaper on it than Newegg was.
I'm actually happy that Newegg was out of it. The ram was going to cost me $299.98 for it and I saved close to $80.00 on it ang got it all at once.
Next month I'll get the cpu.
February will be the Corsair H-100i GTX and 4 EK-Furious Vardar FF5-120 3000 RPM fans for push/pull. They're specifically for water cooler's and are quetter than the Corsair SP-120's.
March will be a Corsair HX-1000i psu.
April will be the NZXT Phantom 820 case.
Then the pc get's built using my old LiteON DVD-RW, LiteON Blu-ray Burner, Seagate Barracuda 3.0TB hdd, Intel 530 Series 480GB ssd (for Games) and 2 MSI GeForce 760's (until I get 2 newer video cards w/4.0GBs memory on each).
I'm probably going to get a new IPS monitor before the 2 video cards.
I'm selling my old TN LED monitor with this pc to a neighbor of mine.

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Don't forget the extras?

A steering wheel, Xbox One (preferably wired) pc controller, the set of Logitech 5.1 speaker's that I wanted when I got my current Logitech 5.1's, but didn't feel like waiting for them to ship to me.
Possibly one of those new Intel webcam's for logging me into 10 and maybe a Lumia 950 or 950XL (this time next year for it).
Other than that I only want to get the Core i7 6700K eventually for the hyper-threading and higher over-clock.
I'm planning on putting Asus's AI Suite 3's 5-Step Optimization to use on day one of the pc use use, after Windows 10 is updated, driver's are installed and all the Asus ggoodie's are installed.
They give you a real nice suite of stuff with the ROG mobo's:
RAM Cache, RAM Disk, MemTweakIt,KeyBot2 (for configuring hotkeys for gaming keyboards), Asus GameFirst, Lighting Control ( for the mobo light colors, H-100i and case has the same feature for light color's, DAEMON Tools Pro and a free year of Kaspersky AV (in case I don't feel like renewing Bitdefender Internet Security in February.
I will renew it, as I can by a 2-year 3 pc version of Bitdefender Internet Security 2015 from Newegg for like $70.00-80.00 and just change they key in Bitdefender Inter Security 2016, like I did almost 2 years ago.
They've also added a nice new feature to the 2016 versionthat can scan during bootup like Secure Boot does and it also work's in Windows to prevent any fraudulent activity.

I can't really play any of my games for more than 10 minutes now, due to nerve damage from my diabetes. I need a game controller for them, too.

No it appear's either the nerve damge is starting to affect my leg's, too or my various kidney damage is the culprit.
I've got kidney disease from the diabetes.
I also have had 7 surgeries since the Tuesday the week before Thanksgiving, until the 1st of December. I've had 16 kidney stone's in that time.
At first I had 4 2.8 mm. ones and 4 small one's in each kidney. They blasted the right ones the Friday the week before Thanksgiving and they removed my 2 stent's on Tuesday morning, blasted the left kidney's 8 stones. The doctor found 4 new stone's in my right kidney and asked me if I wanted them blasted after I woke up from the first 2 surgeries on Tuesday. I said yes.
Now, I'm apparently going to have to have him order monthly ultrasound's on my kidney's.
It wouldn't be normal if I were healthy.
My leg's have wanted to give out on me lately, too. Just since all these kidney stones, though. Hoping that one's a weird, peculiar side-effect.

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Glad, I've never let the medical stuff faze, scare or worry me.

I may look into the NZXT Kraken X61, too. Especially after the news of various heatsinks, etc. breaking the skylake cpu's.

To be blunt, there is just no good reason to risk over-clocking a skylake chip… the ambient room temperature will climb under gaming loads so invest in air-con or play down in the dungeon basement were the heat is lower.

I'm just going to let the Ai Suite 3's 5 step optimization handle the overclocking safely....

The more I think about it, I'm going the EKWB route for coolimg. I'm gonna get the EK-XLC Predator 240 and 4 EK Furious F5-120 3000rpm fans. Heres a review of the fans. Link RemovedLink Removed I probably won't have to run them over 75% speed with the Intel Core i5 6600K overclocked to 4.5GB's. I already know that the NZXT Phantom 820 can handle the kit with a push/pull configuration. Maybe I'll get a psu kit from NZXT for the Corsair HX-1000i for red wiring, as the four EK fans are black w/red wiring. and I'm gonna set all NZXT fans and mobo lights to red. That last one was decided long ago.
Now all I have to decide on is which video card's to get later and do I want the Phantom 820 in black or gunmetal grey. My mobo's mostly grey., with a little bit of red at the lower left corner.

RAM arrived today. Now, I have my mobo, M.2 ssd, ssd, hdd, DVD-RW, Blu-Ray Burner and memory card reader.
Still need, Core i5 6600k cpu, EK-XLC Predator 240, 4 EK Furious Vard 120 fans, Corsair HX-1000i and NZXT Phantom 820.
I may be adding a NZT Hue to the parts list, too. As it will add even more led coloring to the build.
The NZXT Phantom 820's fans also change colors , too.
I'm thinking of either the grey Phantom 820 or black Phantom 820 with either red or blue lighting inside.
The mobo is mostly grey (with red at bottom left where SupremeSound is and a red power button) and the ram is grey.

Going with the EK Predator 240 over the Corsair H-100i/H-100i GT/H-100i GTX because the radiator is copper and I can add on to it down the road if I want. I/e Water cooled video card's, etc.
Plus, I can drain and add new coolant, if I wish.
The predator 360 has quick releases, but because the blocks are hooked to the left of the radiator on both kits, the 360 would be a tight fit.

Sounds like its starting to come together nice brkkab... take/ post some pics when you have it fired up?

Slowly, but surely coming together. The mobo on this pc going bad, put it off a month.
Will do on the pic's.
I may be getting either a NZXT Hue or a NZXT Hue Plus for it to have more lights in it.
The stock Phantom 820 fans change color through a knob on the front of the case.
The Hue/Hue Plus will add colored led strips to it. They can be changed color-wisr, too.

Made a mistake on the color of my ram. It's not grey, it's black with a red G.Skill logo.
Various medical issues since mid-October, so a few things in me are off for now.

One week until ordering my cpu.

CPU's been ordered. Intel Core i5 6600K should be here next week.
