Need Recommendation for file renamer

Axel PC

Honorable Member
Apr 24, 2016
I'm in the on going process of scanning ALL kinds of stuff photos, kids artwork, ripping CDs and DVDs, personal and financial paperwork, if it can be scanned I'm doing it lol!

But I'd like a nice file renamer software. Just doing a select all, F2, name doesn't name files how I like. I'm looking for something that'll let me do custom formatting i.e. 20170921_Kidsname_Artwork_051_A something like this. Can you recommend a good one. My internet search points me to a lot of CNET downloads and I don't even want to click to those sites anymore.


Adobe Bridge is what I use

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Wow that looks heavy duty. Is it free or at least cheap to purchase? Looks like it can do all kinds of stuff involved with renaming files.

Does it rename files that are not pictures though?

I would personally just use powershell

Does that work for batches of files? I've got hundreds and I mean hundreds of things to scan. Can you show an example?

As a very basic example
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\rootpath" -filter "*.txt"

$count = 1
foreach($file in $files)
 #manipulate the file name $file.Name
# Build the new path $newPath = "$($file.DirectoryName)\$(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd")-newFilename"
# Rename the file Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $newPath

I can help you write something more complicated if you want.

As a very basic example
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\rootpath" -filter "*.txt"

$count = 1
foreach($file in $files)
 #manipulate the file name $file.Name
# Build the new path $newPath = "$($file.DirectoryName)\$(Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd")-newFilename"
# Rename the file Move-Item -Path $file.FullName -Destination $newFilename

Wow well one day when I get by coding big boy pants on maybe I'll be able to do this lol. I need something much easier than that.

I know who to contact though for coding questions!

No I wouldn't be

Adobe Bridge is part of the Adobe subscription so not free but you get it with all the other software and yes it can do any kind of file (not just images)... if fact my example is wmv (an old video type) files... it can also do mixed files in the same folder so eg, 2 wmv, 1 png and a jpeg

[QUOTE="doesn't name files how I like. I'm looking for something that'll let me do custom formatting"

After years in the biz, and having tried almost every tool available, the one I keep using is:

Rename Master
Written in Delphi 6 and should run on any Windows OS - no install program is needed.

Rename Master is a free utility for renaming large groups of files with a few clicks. Anyone that has worked with websites, file archives, or collections of music, videos, or pictures has probably spent way too much time renaming hundreds of files. The program provides an easy to use interface that allows you to perform simple and advanced rename operations, very easily. You can even preview the to-be-renamed file names before you finalize it and apply any changes. Advanced renaming features include adding, removing from the original file name, replacing characters (name or extension) and support for several meta variables, that allow you to perform renaming based on the files size, date and several other criteria. Renaming operations can be saved as scripts, so they can easily be reused at a later time. Additional features include optional Explorer integration, uppercase/lowercase conversion, file filters and more. A powerful, yet easy to use renaming utility!

@CarlS thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.
