Windows 7 Network Problem


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2009
I installed Windows 7 7068 x64 on a new desktop build. The box has an Asus Rampage Formula MB, 4 GB of Corsair Dominator PC8500, and an Intel Q9650 CPU running at standard timings. Everything is working good except the networking. Most of the time when I boot up, reboot, or come out of sleep mode the activitiy light on my router (D-Link 655) is dark and I get a red X error on the network icon. If I pull the network cable (either end) and reconnect it re-acquires the signal and all is well. I am using Windows drivers with the onboard Marvel Gigabit NICs (the same problem occurs using either jack). DM shows no problems. Does anyone have an idea where to look to solve this problem?


I installed Windows 7 7068 x64 on a new desktop build. The box has an Asus Rampage Formula MB, 4 GB of Corsair Dominator PC8500, and an Intel Q9650 CPU running at standard timings. Everything is working good except the networking. Most of the time when I boot up, reboot, or come out of sleep mode the activitiy light on my router (D-Link 655) is dark and I get a red X error on the network icon. If I pull the network cable (either end) and reconnect it re-acquires the signal and all is well. I am using Windows drivers with the onboard Marvel Gigabit NICs (the same problem occurs using either jack). DM shows no problems. Does anyone have an idea where to look to solve this problem?


I assume you have already ruled out Network Adapter driver issues by checking DM and now focusing on a Router troubleshoot.

If you are unsure the Ethernet Straight thrugh cable from the Router to your PC has problem, you could try to change that with another new one. Knowing the way you have phrased your message , I guess you have already ruled that out or you don't have a spare cable to test at present. If that is the case, while it is seeming to work OK ( after the reinsertion) launch a command prompt and try pinging some well known URLs like or and see if you are encountering packet losses. If that happens either your cable or Router has problem.
If you have a PC cable-Check Pro [Paladin Tools] or similar tool to check the Integrity of your Ethernet Cable you can find out quickly if it has become defective in data transmission.

I will also suggest to check Dlink Site for a Firmware update for this Router .

Please note it had problem with LAN performance in the past. Please check this link : Link Removed due to 404 Error

Thanks for the quick reply. I have the latest firmware from D-Link -- 1.21. I don't think it is the cable because once it acquires there are no drops. Ping times to other sites are normal with no dropped packets. Device manager shows no errors so it doesn't look like a driver issue either.

Someone suggested it might be a setting allowing Windows to power down the NIC. I unchecked that option but haven't been able to test it yet.

Again, thanks for the suggestions. If the power down thing isn't the problem I will keep troubleshooting.


Thanks for the quick reply. I have the latest firmware from D-Link -- 1.21. I don't think it is the cable because once it acquires there are no drops. Ping times to other sites are normal with no dropped packets. Device manager shows no errors so it doesn't look like a driver issue either.

Someone suggested it might be a setting allowing Windows to power down the NIC. I unchecked that option but haven't been able to test it yet.

Again, thanks for the suggestions. If the power down thing isn't the problem I will keep troubleshooting.

Please check this URL for a discussion and some suggestions for a similr or same issue : Does your DIR-655 lose connection to your DSL modem? -
