More power needed.... Didn't you say you close to the wire as it is? Even with a 1200W PSU, although you surely can't be any where near that yet, limits wise??

What did you think of the thermal paste? If it turns out to be really good stuff and you can't get it anywhere near you I'll mail some to you...

More power needed.... Didn't you say you close to the wire as it is? Even with a 1200W PSU, although you surely can't be any where near that yet, limits wise??

What did you think of the thermal paste? If it turns out to be really good stuff and you can't get it anywhere near you I'll mail some to you...
Past looks interesting I'll defantly try it b-4 I spend 250 on water cooling but I did find one I like. - COOLER MASTER RL-HUB-KBU1-GP Water Cooler - Water Cooling

My PSU is fine

My PSU is Fine and now that I'm only running one card I'm using less power. My main issue now is heat. :mad:

sounds like a really nice rig. I had more troubles in the long run with Windows 7, so I went went back to Vista 64bit Home Premium. At the moment it's working really well. I am either going to get a new TB hard drive or a new graphics card next week. My question would be, can I get like a 3650 in my machine or is not up to specks for such a card.

If your motherboard has a PCIE 2.0 slot then your golden... Just make sure your PSU is up to it and you should be good to go..

Is there someplace that would tell you what psu for what graphics card?

Usually there will something written in the specification of the particular card (but not always), checking the card makers web site can sometimes prove fruitful.
Personally I would say that if the card has got just one power connector (like a Nvidia 8800GTS) then a 500W PSU will be ok. If however the card has two connectors (like Fatboys) then really you should be looking at something like 600/700W PSU. (this however isn't always the case. Take my card for instance, it has 'two power connectors' but ATI recommend only a 500W PSU so it's always worth checking)

One thing thats usually missed when choosing a suitable PSU is the ampage. If we take my card again which we know that ATI recommends a 500W PSU. What the ATI site fails to mention is that the card will need something like 32Amps under load. So this has to be checked otherwise, even though the PSU has enough watts, there will not be enough amps to power the card. This will lead to blue screens, poor performance and system crashes.
As a rule try and make sure that your PSU has something like 25-30 (the more the better) amps on one 12volt rail.
One golden rule of system building is never skimp on your PSU....

I posted this a while ago but here it is again and well worth a read:
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sounds like a really nice rig. I had more troubles in the long run with Windows 7, so I went went back to Vista 64bit Home Premium. At the moment it's working really well. I am either going to get a new TB hard drive or a new graphics card next week. My question would be, can I get like a 3650 in my machine or is not up to specks for such a card.

Try one of these, cheap, powerful and shouldn't need an extra PSU :

Fudzilla - Club3D's HD 4670 runs Crysis

This looks like just the puppy for me. Cheap and fast. One last question, do you know of any wireless keyboards that have shall we say regular size keys and not the small ones like I have on my Labtec? The one I have now is ok but, typing fast is something that can take some getting used to!!! Thanks.

Hmm.... not too sure on that one... Personally I don't bother with wireless k'boards or mice as I feel the technology isn't quite there yet...
I guess it depends on how much you want to spend and ultimately what you'll be using the kb for like gaming ect...

Checkout this site for some ultra 'rad' kb's:

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Their mice are pretty good too, which I can testify to as I use a copperhead.....awesome bit of kit!

Thanks that helped and I got a full sized Logitech wireless mouse and keyboard. Typing like I used to now, nice and fast. Plus it had 64bit drivers I could download for it. By the way this one does not slide or move very easy. It appears to weigh in at about 4 plus pouinds for the keyboard. t uses double AAA batteries the keyboard and double for the mouse, go figure!!!

Sounds good! Logitech are a good make too... As for weight, I prefer heavy as apposed to light as it makes things feel more substantial.
I know in some mice that they have removeable weights inside does yours have such a thing (is it the G5?)

Let me look for that and see what I find. Yes I like heavy too but, this one is the heaviest I have ever seen.

this thread has gotten way off topic :eek:

So far this is my best score :thumbsup2:
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This is what my case is. Link Removed

Not bad for a 100 buck job.

Nice case and a good make to boot.....:cool:
