Mike this is very impressive and gives people something to work for. I believe this will be a huge success. Maybe we should add something in for quality of posts. I mean someone could have 50 one line posts while the other person has 10 eight line posts. Just something to think about for the future if you want to implement.An experience points based reward system has recently been added and with that comes a great opportunity for anyone excited about Windows 7. The more you use Windows7Forums.com, the more points you will gain!
First, here are some details on how this works:
- You must be a registered member with at least one post to be included in this system.
- You must be an active member of the forum. Being active means you have used the forum within at least 30 days to be calculated in the results.
- Your use of the forums will help you gain points, whether it is from replying to a post, starting a thread, writing a blog, referring a friend, or anything in between. Find out exactly how points are calculated here.
- You will earn awards which can be gained or lost and displayed on your messages when you use the forums.
- Your experience points will stay with your account for as long as you are a member of Windows7Forums.com, and may be used for promotions like a Windows 7 giveaway...
A significant effort has been made to speed up the overall operation of the website. This includes changes to the way the website and database are cached in memory. We are now using a datastore and also optimization software to speed things up. As a result to one change, it will appear that less people are actively browsing the forum since sessions now expire after 10 minutes. Members can prevent this by checking "Remember me" when logging in.