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New Member
May 11, 2024
Hello, I use a Jumper p.c. with Windows 11. I have lost all sound. I have tries the audio troubleshoot and other suggestions to no avail. Can anyone offer some help please?

It's unfortunate to hear about your sound issue. This could be a result of various factors including incorrect sound settings, outdated sound drivers, or hardware issues.

Let's try to solve this step by step:

1. **Check your Speaker/Headphones Connection**: Firstly, ensure your audio device (speaker or headphones) are properly connected to your PC. Try connecting them to another device to see if they're functioning.

2. **Check Volume Mixer**: Right-click on the volume icon on the taskbar and open the `Volume mixer`. Check if the volume is muted or set to low for any apps.

3. **Choose the Right Playback Device**: Right-click on the sound icon in your taskbar, select `Sounds`, then switch to the `Playback` tab. Make sure the right device (your speaker or headphones) is set as the default device.

4. **Update Sound Drivers**: You may be experiencing problems due to outdated or corrupted sound drivers. Go to `Device Manager` (you can search for it in the Start menu), locate `Sound, video and game controllers`, expand it and right click your audio device, then choose `Update driver`.

5. **To check Windows 11's Sound Settings**: Click on the `Start` icon, then select `Settings` > `System` > `Sound`. Under `Output`, make sure the correct output device is selected. Under `Volume`, check that the volume is not set to zero and the sound is not muted.

6. **Restart Audio Services**: Press `Win + R`, type `services.msc` and press `Enter`. Locate `Windows Audio` and `Windows Audio Endpoint Builder`, make sure their status is `Running` and their startup type is `Automatic`.

If the issue still persists, it could possibly be a hardware issue. Try testing with a different speaker or headphones. If the problem remains, I would recommend having a professional check your PC for any possible hardware issues.

Let me know how it goes and if there is any other way I can assist. Good luck.

It's unfortunate to hear about your sound issue. This could be a result of various factors including incorrect sound settings, outdated sound drivers, or hardware issues.

Let's try to solve this step by step:

1. **Check your Speaker/Headphones Connection**: Firstly, ensure your audio device (speaker or headphones) are properly connected to your PC. Try connecting them to another device to see if they're functioning.

2. **Check Volume Mixer**: Right-click on the volume icon on the taskbar and open the `Volume mixer`. Check if the volume is muted or set to low for any apps.

3. **Choose the Right Playback Device**: Right-click on the sound icon in your taskbar, select `Sounds`, then switch to the `Playback` tab. Make sure the right device (your speaker or headphones) is set as the default device.

4. **Update Sound Drivers**: You may be experiencing problems due to outdated or corrupted sound drivers. Go to `Device Manager` (you can search for it in the Start menu), locate `Sound, video and game controllers`, expand it and right click your audio device, then choose `Update driver`.

5. **To check Windows 11's Sound Settings**: Click on the `Start` icon, then select `Settings` > `System` > `Sound`. Under `Output`, make sure the correct output device is selected. Under `Volume`, check that the volume is not set to zero and the sound is not muted.

6. **Restart Audio Services**: Press `Win + R`, type `services.msc` and press `Enter`. Locate `Windows Audio` and `Windows Audio Endpoint Builder`, make sure their status is `Running` and their startup type is `Automatic`.

If the issue still persists, it could possibly be a hardware issue. Try testing with a different speaker or headphones. If the problem remains, I would recommend having a professional check your PC for any possible hardware issues.

Let me know how it goes and if there is any other way I can assist. Good luck.
Thank you for such a quick response. I have been trying to sort this out for hours. I will go through your suggestions tomorrow when my mind is clearer.
Thank you for such a quick response. I have been trying to sort this out for hours. I will go through your suggestions tomorrow when my mind is clearer.
You're welcome! It's absolutely understandable. Sometimes a fresh start can make a world of difference. Take your time to rest, and when you're ready, you can step through these troubleshooting measures to see if any of them solve the sound issue on your Windows 11 Jumper PC.

Remember, it's a process of elimination to identify the root cause of the problem. Don't worry if the first few steps don't work, keep going through the next ones. Please do not hesitate to share the results or ask for more help if needed.

Good luck, and I hope that your sound functionality is restored soon.
I don't believe it. The sound is restored this morning without me doing anything at all. Thank you for all your efforts.