Overweight Teen Arrested For Stabbing Mother Over Cheeseburger


Essential Member
Jan 26, 2009
A Toledo, Ohio teenager was arrested after police say he became enraged that his mother did not bring him a Rally's cheeseburger and stabbed her.
Vergie Dean says her 6'3 300 pound son Aaron stabbed her with a butcher knife after she came home with a cheeseburger for herself and not for him.
Dean tells ABC 13,
“"He was like 'Where's my food at?' and I'm like 'I'm not gonna give you anything' so he smacked my sandwich and he pushed me or something and it escalated from there…”

She says her 18-year-old then grabbed and choked her before grabbing a knife.
“He had me in the corner. I took a knife and I stabbed him in his finger. He ran in his room and grabbed a big ole butcher knife. He came back and was like 'You cut me, you cut me.' He was standing right there. He just took the knife and stuck it in my arm. "

Dean says her son suffers from schizophrenia and does not want him to stay in jail.
Check out coverage on this from ABC 13 below.


Source: http://hiphopwired.com/2010/05/27/overweight-teen-arrested-for-stabbing-mother-over-cheeseburger-video/

his death sentence should be to be force fed his own weight in said cheesburgers in a single day....
