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Windows 10 PC World made E3 Easy for gamers

from 48 titles I see two I would buy and perhaps one that I'd play... that really depressing but thanks for the heads up brkkab
Same here. Skyrim (as I already have it & all dlc) and Battleborn 1 -maybe.
What are your two ?
I tried to watch the full shows, but I got bored with all the talking. I just wanted to see the game videos. That's how you tell if it's something you'd want to play.
I think the Xbox S is stupid, considering them and Sony are releasing new consoles in 2017.
Everybody might as well wait until then. Plus by then the bugs from vr based games, should be fixed.
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its a smart move going with startrek for a VG... they are nuts for that stuff
Yeah, I'm glad I never really got into anything science fiction. Granted, I liked Batman, Superman and pro wrestling growing up, but I always knew they weren't real.
I liked the Star Trek VR game......especially with some of the old and new Star Trek actors taking the game for a spin.....way cool!
I think there was a 3rd game I liked, maybe Titanfall 2.
It's different for me now, though. In pre-2000, I could play games without my fingers & hand locking up.
In post-2000, they lock up after fifteen minutes tops. If you remeber what Robin Williams looked like as Mork doing nanoo na-noo (how his fingers were), that's what my left hand locks up like, except the fingers angle up or down at the same time, too.
Back when I had my first Play Station, using it was better physical therapy, than physical therapy was for carpal-tunnel syndrome.
Back then I could play games for hours.
dual seems to be lacking … too often the rendering appears two-dimensional. star-trek seems to have lots going for it. i also am intrigued with the perceptions and prescience kojima's death stranding has in his grasp … lots of texture and skinning. if kojima's game turns out to be a flop, least his methods and ideas will pull through … to serve the coming generations.

ten years? i can wait. thanks for sharing, brkkab.
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I'm not sure if any of the VR based games will be good for me.
I'm unsure about it, as it's new.
Don't the VR games act kind of like kinect does and use your body as a controller?
If it does, then it's not something that would be good for me.
I mean right now from my diabetes and it's various nerve damage it causes, I can't really use my left hand for anything like that.
All it takes, is moving my left thumb in the wrong position and everything bends weirdly and locks up.
That could progress to other areas a year or more down the road.
Also, the left hand stuff has occasionally happenend without me moving my thumb. Just not as often.
I've also had times from the nerver damage, where one of my legs will either just give out or make one of my legs weak, to where I feel like I'm going to fall.
in the near future, one will journey through vr using their minds to control actions … won't need the huge, garish and invasive headsets … one's body can remain rigid/catatonic/constricted (unless by tendency/impulse). hence, the left portion of your body will matter not to the experience. best wishes to your health, ol' boy.