Porn Detector API?

Cardinal System

Honorable Member
Jan 24, 2016
New Hampshire
Does anyone know of a Java API that opens a given image URL and checks whether or not it is pornographic?
I am building a chat bot that will filter out porn from messages and need a method for detection...
I know there is facial recognition libraries for python that can be loaded with other profiles to detect things like cars, hands, dogs etc. Don't know if there is an equivalent library for java nor whether or not it contains profiles to detect... well... other human anatomy :)
I know there is facial recognition libraries for python that can be loaded with other profiles to detect things like cars, hands, dogs etc. Don't know if there is an equivalent library for java nor whether or not it contains profiles to detect... well... other human anatomy :)
I don't think the language it is written in is a huge problem, because I could always have the Java program communicate with the other through cmd. But that last part, I need a guarantee that it can detect any pornographic imaged or "overly exposed" flesh. I didn't mention this in the main thread, but recently some people came on my chat server when there were no moderators or admins present, and they filled it awful images.
at the end of the day you need a human to look at things and say, hay- not allowed... one of the reasons we do well on this forum is the fact that we are from different time zones and there is almost always at least one of us on to stop the muck sticking before most people see it.
Very difficult to define parameters for porn/nakedness. I recall the true story my son told me of a system which blocked any image exceeding a set percentage of skin tone and one of their programming team who was completely bald was blocked from entry to the staff area by the security cam!
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