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Here is a powershell script that collects roughly the same info for BSOD analysis. Simply run it from an elevated powershell prompt. It creates a folder on the desktop called SYSTEMREPORT and a SYSTEMREPORT.zip. It will also prompt you and enable crash dumps if you don't have them enabled.
It will clean them up on any re-run of the script.
It will clean them up on any re-run of the script.
$CollectDir = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\SYSTEMREPORT"
$DumpPath = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl"
Function Get-DumpSettings([String]$Path)
#Check that crash dump is enabled
$crash = [int](Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path).CrashDumpEnabled
If( $crash -ge 1 )
$dump = [String](Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path).MinidumpDir
"Enviroment variable detected, expanding..."
$dump = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($dump)
} Else
#Prompt to enable crash dumps
Write-Host "Crash Dump is not enabled" -ForegroundColor Red
$input = Read-Host "Enable Small Memory Dump (Recommended)? [Y/N]"
If($input.ToString().ToLower() -eq "y")
"Enabling Crash Dumps"
Set-ItemProperty -Path $DumpPath -Name "CrashDumpEnabled" -Value 3
"Run again when you have another BSOD"
} Else
{ Exit }
Function Create-Archive([String]$DumpLocation)
If(Test-Path -Path $CollectDir)
Remove-Item -Path $CollectDir -Force -Recurse
#Gather system information for troubleshooting
New-Item -Path $CollectDir -ItemType Directory
msinfo32 /nfo $CollectDir\MSINFO32.nfo
Get-Content "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" > $CollectDir\Hosts.txt
Get-WindowsDriver -Online -All > $CollectDir\DriverList.txt
dxdiag /t $CollectDir\Dxdiag.txt
systeminfo > $CollectDir\SystemInfo.txt
Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Newest 50 | FT -AutoSize | Out-String -Width 500 > $CollectDir\EventApplication.log
Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 50 | FT -Wrap -AutoSize > $CollectDir\EventSystem.log
Get-WindowsUpdateLog -LogPath $CollectDir\WindowsUpdate.Log
#Copy DMP files to collection directory
If(Test-Path -Path $DumpLocation)
$dmp = Get-ChildItem -Path $DumpLocation -Filter "*.dmp"
ForEach ($d In $dmp)
Copy-Item -Path $d.FullName -Force -Destination $CollectDir
#Create Archive
Add-Type -Assembly "system.io.compression.filesystem"
$zip = "$CollectDir.zip"
If(Test-Path -Path $zip) { Remove-Item -Path $zip -Force }
$dumpdir = Get-DumpSettings -Path $DumpPath
Create-Archive -DumpLocation $dumpdir