Prevent outbound SMB and RDP for user group


New Member
hi everyone,

I have two server one is file server other one is for internet and mail usage.

I want to block outbound connection from one to another for RDP and SMB

I will be very happy for your advices

Then you'll need to use a firewall to block that. If they can connect to both servers, blocking connections makes no sense since they can RDP to both, copy data from one to their system and then to the other computer defeating such a block.
Then you'll need to use a firewall to block that. If they can connect to both servers, blocking connections makes no sense since they can RDP to both, copy data from one to their system and then to the other computer defeating such a block.
They cant copy file to their local pc. they work in one server. They user other server for mail and internet. but from server which has lan connection they shouldnt reach other server which has their work files