Windows 7 Problem joining Windows 7 to Windows 2003 server R2


New Member
Dec 8, 2009
The Following error occured attempting to join the domain

An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a domain controller in the domain being joined has
failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server that can resolve DNS
names in the target domain.

thats the exactly problem when i joining my windows 7 to windows 2003 server R2
what the possible solution.. what do you think its a one of the imcompatibilty between the 2 OS???

Thanks and i wait for the reply

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The error you are encountering while trying to join a Windows 7 client to a Windows Server 2003 R2 domain is a common issue related to DNS resolution. It indicates that the client is unable to resolve the DNS name of the domain controller in the domain you are attempting to join. This can occur due to various reasons, but it's usually not directly related to operating system compatibility.
Here are some possible solutions to resolve this issue:
1. Check DNS Settings:
- Ensure the Windows 7 client is configured to use the correct DNS server(s) that can resolve names in the target domain. You should set the DNS server address to that of the domain controller or another DNS server that can resolve the domain's DNS records.
The error you are encountering while trying to join a Windows 7 client to a Windows Server 2003 R2 domain is a common issue related to DNS resolution. It indicates that the client is unable to resolve the DNS name of the domain controller in the domain you are attempting to join. This can occur due to various reasons, but it's usually not directly related to operating system compatibility.
Here are some possible solutions to resolve this issue:
1. Check DNS Settings:
- Ensure the Windows 7 client is configured to use the correct DNS server(s) that can resolve names in the target domain. You should set the DNS server address to that of the domain controller or another DNS server that can resolve the domain's DNS records.
2. Verify Network Connectivity:
- Check the network connection on the Windows 7 client to ensure it can reach the DNS server and the domain controller. You can test this by pinging the domain controller by its hostname.
3. Flush DNS Cache:
- Clear the DNS cache on the Windows 7 client to ensure it is not holding onto outdated information. Open a command prompt and run the command ipconfig /flushdns.
4. Check Hosts File:
- Make sure there are no incorrect entries for the domain controller in the hosts file of the Windows 7 client. The hosts file can be located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
5. Verify Domain Controller Availability:
- Ensure that the Windows Server 2003 R2 domain controller is online and reachable from the Windows 7 client.
6. Firewall Settings:
- Check the firewall settings on the Windows 7 client to make sure that it is not blocking DNS traffic that is necessary for domain joining.
7. Update DNS Server IP Configuration:
- Verify the DNS server configuration on the Windows Server 2003 R2 to ensure it is correctly configured and able to resolve domain names.
8. Time Synchronization:
- Make sure that the time is synchronized between the Windows 7 client and the domain controller. Time skew can cause authentication failures.
Try these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the DNS resolution issue when joining your Windows 7 client to the Windows Server 2003 R2 domain. Incompatibility between the operating systems is generally not the root cause of this specific problem.
