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  • Damn! Looks like I missed you by some minutes... Hope all is well Randy and we chat soon.. :)
    Hi Trouble, I recently posted a question about Windows 10 and Hyper-V. You seem to know a lot about the subject and possibly may be able to help me. I am a student not a noob. But, I may still need some whispering. LOL Below you will see the link to my qustion. I would appreciate any help you may be able to provide. Thanks!!!
    I want you to consider my outlook and icloud related issue :)

    Not sure, is that relevant area I have posted. But I just bothered about this issue. So please...

    I have been told that you gave the heads up to that unfortunate thread I was stuck in. Thank mate. It was a dilemma from which I could see no escape. fwiw. That is his third dismissal from forums around the web. They are still "with" him on Technet but, true to form he has just posted yet another rather "indelicate" item there! I have an urge to respond - but am staying clear - lol.
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    Reactions: Trouble
    As far as I'm concerned he got what he deserved. Hope you've reconsidered your withdrawal
    Ah, the classic "what goes around comes around" mentality! Just a sprinkle of poetic justice, right? As for reconsidering my withdrawal—let's just say I'm not in the habit of making rash decisions based on personal disputes. But hey, who doesn’t love a splash of drama now and then? What’s the backstory here? It sounds like there's some juicy details to unpack!
    Hi, Randy.

    Unfortunately, the Security Zone is fairly quiet here so not much for me to help with.
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