Windows 7 problem with ie8 in windows 7


New Member
Dec 28, 2008
Just installed windows 7 yesterday....have had no driver or system problems, except with launching IE8.

As soon as I click the IE icon, I get the following:

instruction at 0x76a009d8 referenced memory at 0x0000047f

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IE8 still works fully (as far as I can tell), but this error is annoying as hell.

From what I can see, the memory location its trying to look at might be reserved for computer hardware, but i'm a novice with problems like this...

Running 6956 on an a8n-sli deluxe, amd 3500+. 1gb ram, 8600GTS

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have you tried to launch IE from the program files folder? (original location)

also....has it ever worked? ...before you done somthing?

& at the least... 6956 is a previous build... it has no you'll be reinstalling..what? 7000? or pretty soon...

I've never had trouble with IE like that!

I've been using Windows 7 since Build 6801 and never had any problems like that with IE8... however on Dec 12 there were several reports surfacing regarding a rather large security hole that is affecting all versions of IE... that could have something to do with it... ;) I'm not 100% sure if a fix is available yet but if not I'm sure there will be soon enough.. in the meantime it looks like we're back to the same old story with IE....

I've been using Windows 7 since Build 6801 and never had any problems like that with IE8... however on Dec 12 there were several reports surfacing regarding a rather large security hole that is affecting all versions of IE... that could have something to do with it... ;) I'm not 100% sure if a fix is available yet but if not I'm sure there will be soon enough.. in the meantime it looks like we're back to the same old story with IE....

There was a "out-of-band" security update (KB960714) for Internet Explorer released on December 17. See:

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Ok, I did get that update through Windows Update. I just wasn't 100% sure if that was the fix or not.. thanks for the info superbill.. ;)

also, my windows update isn't working...getting error 80070422

Running from program files didn't work.

I'm gonna just reinstall with a clean version of Win7 after the newest test version is released in a week...i can put up with it for now.

I also was playing around with vlite and probably uninstalled something required for winupdate and ie8

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also, my windows update isn't working...getting error 80070422

Running from program files didn't work.

I'm gonna just reinstall with a clean version of Win7 after the newest test version is released in a week...i can put up with it for now.

I also was playing around with vlite and probably uninstalled something required for winupdate and ie8

Your windows update and IE8 are messed up because you're using a daily build. That means it wasn't a widely released build, and therefore things like updates and bugs were left in.

I thought there wasn't anything newer than 6956 out though....

7000 is out.
Also, it wouldn't matter if there was, it's a daily build that was never meant to go anywhere beyond the developer's bench.

The only two supported releases so far have been 6801 and 7000.

I don't think they'd have a build to show off at shows that has a persistent IE bug :P

Reinstalling from original cd fixed it, apparently my flash drive install got buggered...then I read that 7000 got leaked a little early, so it got installed after that lol

Last annoyance I have now is that I changed some setting somewhere to do the searching from the address bar in was really sexy before, now it doesn't suggest anything anymore...

Its spyware or a virus, probably in you download unless you have been installing anything since the installation.

Actually there was nothing wrong with 6956. There are only minor under-the-hood speed improvements, but otherwise 6956 and 7000 are the same experience.

Like I said earlier, it was just because of a botched flash drive install of W7. It corrupted one of the files during transfer, giving me that error. I reinstalled 6956 from disk and everything worked just fine.

I have 7000 on now though, and its also good. this time the flash drive install didn't mess up.

And puh-leez, jumping straight to a virus/spyware suggestion? This isn't noobtown forums, man.

No problems with anything now...thanks all!
