Windows Vista Problem with internet explorer 8 in windows 7


New Member
Apr 1, 2009
I have a problem with ie8. I can browse the internet with firefox but I can't do it with ie8 I tried
to disable all addons but it still doesn't work.
I don't really use ie8 i'm fine with firefox the problem is I can't
browse the iTunes store unless ie is working. I think it takes the setting or something from ie.
Is there any way reinstall ie8 or any other older version.
I have the exact same problem. Firefox works, but IE8 doesn't in addition to:

- Windows Live Messenger
- iTunes Store and iPod updater
- Photoshop updater
- Game updaters
- Steam Update News
- And many more

I think all these programs are using IE8 in some way and that IE8 is broken. I wouldn't care about IE8 (I never use it) if it wasn't for the fact that all these other programs don't work either.

Did you try Resetting Internet Explorer 8? ; if not you may try that. It not only disables the Add-ons but also fixes the damaged or incompatible Internet Explorer settings.

You can try that via IE>Tools>Internet Options>Advanced tab > Reset Internet Explorer settings section and click on Reset... button or Click Start [Globe icon ] and in the "Search programs and files" box, type
inetcpl.cpl and press [ENTER] to get the Internet Properties dailog box , the same as Internet Options and then choose Advanced tab Remember all your personalized settings will also be lost with this troubleshoot to create a "born again" IE8.
Hope this will help you to figure out what caused the problem by gradually adding on options till the problem resurfaces.

I tried resetting the browser but still does not work and tried downgrading to IE7 but it says its not supported on my operating system.

I wonder what will happen if the windows 7 fully released with the ability to disable IE8 will iTunes work?!!

Is there any way to reinstall IE8 ?
I have the same propblem. Ive done some searching thorugh MMC (microsoft management consol) and through the features and to me it seems to be missing. I have not found any way to repair or reinstall IE8.

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as you can see its not located in the features like it should..its like its been removed or something.
Hi there

Actually I'm glad that most (if not all) the addons are initially disabled -- Browsers have been shown to be the most common method of transmitting Bots and Viruses.

I prefer (maybe it's just an "Old persons" idea) of keeping each application separate. For example if an application (say Photoshop CS4) wants to "Phone Home" periodically I want to know about it. Similarly if I'm playing music etc. then I want the application itself to do this. You've got sensible applications to do this like the BBC iPlayer etc.

There's nothing wrong in having applications use a web browser interface -- this makes the "look and feel" of applications similar but it's in how these are implemented.

IMO using a genuine published API beats any amount of "dubiously coded plugins".

The Web browser should come with all the facilities it needs for browsing the web - THAT'S ALL Period. If it wants to read a PDF document etc then it should either have this reader built in from the outset or launch a USER defined application.

I don't like the idea of browsers running all sorts of scripts without the user having the slightest idea of what they are doing.

YMMV of course but if you want "leaky boats" there's plenty of choice out there in "Browser world".
I actually like IE8 -- Microsoft seems to be getting stuff right (most of the time) with W7 etc.

(Looking forward to IE9 when it appears).

Ok not to sound rude or anything, but what does that have to do with getting IE 8 to work?..Also i have got the installer for internet 8 to start but once it gets to instaling it, it has a error (the vista version of IE8) and wont finish installing it. Im going to try to search the ISO of windows 7 to see i can find the installer for IE 8, if i do and it solves my problem i will post how and what to do.

sorry for the double post but i may have found the solution to this whole thing (well this worked for me)

Try this: Go to Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan Settings and uncheck the Automatically detect settings checkbox. As soon as I did that my gadgets updated, Mesh logged in and IE started to work.

i hope this works for you all.
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Try this: Go to Internet Options -> Connections -> Lan Settings and uncheck the Automatically detect settings checkbox. As soon as I did that my gadgets updated, Mesh logged in and IE started to work.

Thanks man ...
Problem solved
SOLVED! Disable Windows Firewall to allow IE 8 and other programs internet access

I just spent several hours reading forums and nobody mentioned windows firewall.

You need to log in as admin (if you have a seperate admin profile) and click start, then type windows firewall in the search box.

Once in the windows firewall screen, you will see it is ON for public, private, and other options. You need to click the link that allows you to change the settings. Please be advised there are settings on each tab of the change settings screen and you will need to turn off the firewall on each tab.

Why is windows firewall not automatically allowing IE8, a microsoft product, but IS allowing firefox? Embarrassing to say the least for microsoft who should know that IE is going to be used immediately by the owner of the system? This should have been a default allowed program.

Another frustrating fact is the inability to reinstall IE8 or uninstall it from the standard unistall menu? This might have been an easier fix than figuring out windows firewall was blocking it.

I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 and now I am encountering all of these problems. Microsoft, when will we get past all the hype of a better os and actually have a bullet proof os?

Amazingly enough, XP was probably the best operating system that was ever made. It was light and fast. I have it on a netbook and on a laptop. Yes, it also has problems and there are security issues, but my desktop is a much more powerful computer than the other two, and it runs slow as molasses because of Vista and now, Windows 7.

The first attempt of updates was 24 updates for Windows 7, and on two occassions I received errors that the updates did not take and had to be reversed?

I'm sorry, but why was the upgrade I downloaded off of Microsoft's website not already fixed with all these updates so they wouldn't have to be downloaded later.

I have purchased microsoft products for years...always believed they are the best and better than apple. But I am getting to the point where I am willing to try other OS from different manufacturers....because I am spending huge amounts of time just keeping my microsoft systems running properly.

Here's the deal - I would pay $1000 for an OS that was fast as lightining, stable, and worked on demand. Seems every update breaks something though.

My system is a core 2 duo intel E8400 @3.00 GHZ with 6 GB ram on a 64 bit OS platform.