Windows 10 Protecting what's mine?


New Member
Jun 15, 2022
Hello, I'm running windows 10 pro. I have 4 of my dives as a Raid. however What I'm worried about is running my windows as a Nas. I;m not a linux person at all. I been on windows sense as long as I can remember. I do have linux systems and having a hard time trying to compile drives into a raid. So I stuck with windows for this. I also do file sharing on my network. Not to the outside work I have no ports open besides a VPN That I use when I'm awat. But what I'm worried about and maybe that is just me is that how safe is my little windows nas system from being attacked from the outside?

Second question is there any protection I can use to keep my system safe? I do have a hardware router/firewall. Any advice would be great to helping me. I was also wondering If I should switch to windows server instead of staying on windows 10. What does the community Think? Thank you.


If you're running the disks in a raid configuration that will protect you from a hardware failure only this is basically the same type of protection a NAS would offer except it's usally more easily accessible to an entire LAN. You still need to be concerned with ransomware, data corruption or erasure.

Defense in depth is important. Having a reliable endpoint protection product is important I would look at Real-World Protection Test February-May 2022 for good methodical testing across products.

I would also recommend a backup of critical data such as Carbonite

If you're running the disks in a raid configuration that will protect you from a hardware failure only this is basically the same type of protection a NAS would offer except it's usally more easily accessible to an entire LAN. You still need to be concerned with ransomware, data corruption or erasure.

Defense in depth is important. Having a reliable endpoint protection product is important I would look at Real-World Protection Test February-May 2022 for good methodical testing across products.

I would also recommend a backup of critical data such as Carbonite

Hello neemobeer, Thank you for the help and information. I’m working on a second system same way offsite on my brother network for backup. It will backup once a night. The second system has double the storage space then this one. That way I can keep more older copies.

I do have a hardware firewall sonicwall. It’s a hardware firewall.


you are far more likely to lose data to a raid setup than a nas but 'protection' from outside attacks is the same
the vpn makes you more open to attack from companies with that key so its a case by case scenario

you are far more likely to lose data to a raid setup than a nas but 'protection' from outside attacks is the same
the vpn makes you more open to attack from companies with that key so its a case by case scenario

I do vpn into my network. I don’t open ports if I can help it besides port 80 and 2652.


Maybe a hardware NAS is best for this situation. I'd recommend buffalo NASs, or maybe Synology brand. Please consider this, if your doing serious file sharing in and out of your network. It's like setting up Linux, cause that's what most use, but the work is done for you, and it's easy to setup, which underneath is usually setting up Linux. It's cloud based, for a private cloud. If you can't do this, perhaps at least use a mini pc for Windows, which would be second best, but still not the best.
