
New Member
Oct 26, 2022
Hello,I'm new to this Forum, and hope to be aided to solve a problem I'm unable to solve by myself.
My aim is to be able to access drives of Desktop from Laptop, and viceversa.
Here is the situation:

  1. I have a Desktop and a Laptop connected to the same LAN
  2. Ping from Laptop to Desktop works
  3. Ping from Desktop to Laptop doesn't work
  4. On Desktop "Network" shows that Desktop is online, while Laptop isn't
  5. On Laptop, "Network" doesn't show Laptop online, while Desktop is online, but isn't accessible
  6. Desktop cannot see drives shared by Laptop
  7. Laptop cannot see drives shared by Desktop

Maybe issues 4 and 5 are due to issue 3, and issues 6 and 7 re due to issues 4 an 5.
So my first question is:

  • Why ping from Desktop to Laptop doesn't work? What have I to check/change so that ping works both ways

Thanks in advance for each suggestion I'll receive!

Thanks to everyone for the invaluable support.
Through your suggestions and a lot of trial and error, the system now works as I expected.
Issues 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been solved setting LAN on both computers to "Private".
Issue 7 was harder to solve, and, to be sincere, I am not able to say exactly which settings led to the desired result.
Last obstacle was that I could access Desktop via its LAN IP and not via its NAME (i.e. via \\ipaddress and not via \\desktopname).
This morning also this obstacle has disappeared: clicking the Desktop's icon in "Network" now gives me access to every shared folder and disk in Desktop.
Again thanks!
Read the article named: LEARN HOW EASY IT IS TO SHARE FILES WITHIN YOUR HOME NETWORK! here: Link Removed

Thank you for your support. I read the article you indicated, but don't like to have to copy files and folders to the shared "C:\Users\Public" folder.

What I would prefer is having direct access to a shared folder rather then having to copy files/folders.

After having done a few changes to my system's configuration I am at this point:
1) ping works both ways
2) on Desktop I can access Laptop's shared folder/files
3) on Laptop I see the Desktop's icon, but when I double click on it, instead of seeing a list of Desktop's shared items I receive a message about "not enough permissions".
Up to now I didn't find a way to give the needed permissions on Desktop.

you can do that with a enhanced session mode within Hyper-v networks but you need an up to date host system of at least server 12r2 or W10... a Windows 7 workstation is doable but not without a higher level host

assuming you do want to explore "enhanced session mode" then each session is set at the host and can be adjusted on the fly [from the host] so for example you set the DVD-rom, USB ports and say E, F and G drives as being avalable to the workstation dirrectly and the user on the workstation end would then be able to install a printer driver or watch a video dirrectly from the DVD of the Host in the same way as if that DVD was part of his workstation. that way a tech working on a workstation system can install software / what ever without needing to carry a portable DVD with them and USB port can be used to reinstall Windows

so to answer your question - yes its possible but only under pre-configured network conditions that Windows normally blocks by default because 'Users' are considered not to be under of important network assets

Thanks to everyone for the invaluable support.
Through your suggestions and a lot of trial and error, the system now works as I expected.
Issues 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been solved setting LAN on both computers to "Private".
Issue 7 was harder to solve, and, to be sincere, I am not able to say exactly which settings led to the desired result.
Last obstacle was that I could access Desktop via its LAN IP and not via its NAME (i.e. via \\ipaddress and not via \\desktopname).
This morning also this obstacle has disappeared: clicking the Desktop's icon in "Network" now gives me access to every shared folder and disk in Desktop.
Again thanks!
