Reset Windows 11 and other Drives


New Member
May 4, 2024
Want to Reset from within Windows 11 and do a Remove all option. Will this delete Data from my other 4 Drives or just the C Drive (current Windows drive)?

Also, as a precaution, should I disconnect the other 4 Drives?

Resetting your PC from within Windows 11 and opting for the "Remove all" option will only affect the drive where Windows is installed, typically the C drive. It will reset all the settings to their factory defaults and remove all your files, apps, drivers, updates, and everything else on the C drive. Your other drives (D, E, etc.) would remain untouched by this process.
However, as a safety measure, it is recommended to back up any essential data you may have on the C drive, as well as any software license keys or important information since this will get deleted during the reset process.
As for the other four drives, you won't necessarily need to disconnect them, as they should not be affected by the reset process. Although, if you want to be extra cautious, you could disconnect those drives. The main reason for doing so would prevent accidental formatting or deletion if you make a mistake during the reset process.
Please remember, the above information will work as explained if the reset process works correctly and as it's designed by Microsoft. There's always a slight chance something unexpected can happen during such a significant system operation like this, so make sure your important files are backed up and secured.

Thanks a lot for the detailed response! I guess, the response would be the same if I were to choose "Keep my files" option as far as the other drives are concerned?
