Windows 8 Reviving Windows 8: Apps Resolved and Reliability Improves After Glitches


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
I first acquired Windows 8 with a new HP All in One desk top back in November 2012. Then I had another computer crash it's hard drove and installed a new one along with Windows 8 Pro. I also set up a local network, of 3 computers, and spent a good deal of time with all versions of Win 8 coupled with lots and lots of glitches and problems.

Over the next 2-3 months I discovered 9 defects myself and about 50 that were to be "fixed by Microsoft". As it turned out there was no fix for several. But individuals figured out "work around's" sometimes. I keep a professional Guru on annual contract and usually go to them a couple of times each year. As my problems mounted, I lost some apps; store, weather, maps. They just went dead. Visible but inactive. The Gurus worked for 3 days and couldn't get the apps back. Finally they wanted to wipe the drive and reinstall. I said NO - no way.

Those apps are essentially superfluous and duplicates. I simply pinned the Weather Channel to my start menu; installed Microsoft Streets and Trips and forgot about the store apps. All was just fine.

Yesterday, for no compelling reason, I opened the Win 8 weather app and it was back active again. I tried the store app and it too is back and active. The maps app seems to have disappeared. In any event it was pretty cheesy and lacking. I too have Google Earth so the maps app is essentially worthless baggage to me.

I had heard about a big fix coming and many months have passed. Does anyone know if the big fix, or any or all fixes, have now been made ?

I haven't gone back to remedy those peaky defects *( If they are still there ) as they are non-essential and do not interfering thus not worth messing with. There seems to be quite an improvement in the Win 8 reliability and a notable absence of problems including hackers, Trojans, worms et,al....l...

I'm navigating around flawlessly now, after getting through my learning curve and find Win 8 just fine. I suppose the novelty wore off and now settled into a routine.


it's certainly true that some apps initially were troublesome to say the least. Microsoft have been working hard to try and get these right and numerous updates have been released visa Windows update so do make sure your fully updated.

As for the big update or Windows 8.1, yes it's here and available as a preview version. The full release won't be until late August all being well.
This video presentation from the Windows Team will give you a look at whats on offer:

If you'd like to try it for yourself then pop along to our thread here which has all the latest download locations or you could follow the links near the top of the page...

it's certainly true that some apps initially were troublesome to say the least. Microsoft have been working hard to try and get these right and numerous updates have been released visa Windows update so do make sure your fully updated.

As for the big update or Windows 8.1, yes it's here and available as a preview version. The full release won't be until late August all being well.
This video presentation from the Windows Team will give you a look at whats on offer:

If you'd like to try it for yourself then pop along to our thread here which has all the latest download locations or you could follow the links near the top of the page:

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