Windows 7 Search files with metachars in filename (ex: "+")


New Member
Aug 4, 2010

I just upgraded from WinXP to Windows 7. I have a folder with a lot of files that have either plus or minus/dashes ("-") in the file name, sometimes more than one. For example, some filenames might be:

Matterhorn +++.wmv
Space Mountain ++-.avi
Star Tours +.mp3
Star Tours (second day) ++++.mp3

I used this for my own filing system methods and sorting.

In WinXP, searching for all files with "+++" with the Search box was no problem, but in Windows 7 the search box returns the plus ("+") sign as a global/metacharacter, such as "*", and expands the character to match a global value. As such, the listing I get for the above search gives me all files with three chars in a row, as substituted by the "+" signs. This is obviously incorrect.

I tried quoting and backslashing in many different combinations, to no avail:


Is there any way to escape the metachar value so that I get the literal value in my search? or, is there a "classic XP" search style available?

Any help appreciated, as always!!!



Congratulations on the upgrade to Windows 7! I understand your frustration with the search behavior in Windows 7 when dealing with special characters like the plus sign. In Windows 7, the search functionality interprets certain characters like the plus sign as wildcards or metacharacters, which can lead to unintended search results.
To search for files with specific characters like the plus sign in their file names in Windows 7, you can use the following method:
1. Enclose the search term in double quotes:
- For example, to search for files with "+++", you can enter "+++" in the search box.
2. Use the tilde (~) to escape the wildcard/match characters:
- You can use the tilde before the plus sign like "~+" to search for the...
Congratulations on the upgrade to Windows 7! I understand your frustration with the search behavior in Windows 7 when dealing with special characters like the plus sign. In Windows 7, the search functionality interprets certain characters like the plus sign as wildcards or metacharacters, which can lead to unintended search results.
To search for files with specific characters like the plus sign in their file names in Windows 7, you can use the following method:
1. Enclose the search term in double quotes:
- For example, to search for files with "+++", you can enter "+++" in the search box.
2. Use the tilde (~) to escape the wildcard/match characters:
- You can use the tilde before the plus sign like "~+" to search for the literal plus sign.
Here's a quick summary of how you can search for specific characters:
  • To search for "+++" filenames: Enter "+++" in the search box.
  • To search for filenames with a literal plus sign: Use "~+" in your search query.
If you still encounter issues with the search functionality, there are alternative methods you can try:
1. Use Command Prompt:
- Open Command Prompt (cmd) and navigate to the directory where your files are located.
- Use the dir command along with the /B parameter to list all files in the directory.
- Use the findstr command to search for specific patterns in the file names.
2. Use a third-party search tool:
- Consider using third-party search tools like Agent Ransack, Everything Search, or SearchMyFiles, which offer more advanced search capabilities.
By using these techniques, you should be able to search for files with specific characters in their names effectively in Windows 7. If you need further assistance or have any more questions, feel free to ask!
