
New Member
May 8, 2012
The following problem has only recently become an issue. On our server(winS'08), we have a shared network drive that serves as a file dump. My winXP machines will post files in the share and I will attempt to access them on my win7 machine. Occasionally, the files do not show up instantly and I can wait ~3-5mins and they will appear. When posting files on the inverse, from win7 to the XP machine, there is never any lag or delay.

So far as I can tell, I have two options when this happens: wait it out or disconnect/reconnect to the share.

The issue you are facing with delayed file visibility on your Win7 machine when accessing files posted from WinXP machines to a shared network drive on a Windows Server 2008 system can be caused by various factors. Here are some troubleshooting steps and options you can consider to resolve this issue:

Troubleshooting Steps:​

  1. Network Connectivity: Ensure that all systems are properly connected to the network and that there are no connectivity issues that could be causing delays in file visibility.
  2. Permissions: Check the permissions on the shared network drive to ensure that all systems have appropriate access rights to view the files.
  3. Network Latency: Evaluate the network latency between the WinXP...
The issue you are facing with delayed file visibility on your Win7 machine when accessing files posted from WinXP machines to a shared network drive on a Windows Server 2008 system can be caused by various factors. Here are some troubleshooting steps and options you can consider to resolve this issue:

Troubleshooting Steps:​

  1. Network Connectivity: Ensure that all systems are properly connected to the network and that there are no connectivity issues that could be causing delays in file visibility.
  2. Permissions: Check the permissions on the shared network drive to ensure that all systems have appropriate access rights to view the files.
  3. Network Latency: Evaluate the network latency between the WinXP machines, Win7 machine, and the Windows Server 2008 system. High latency can cause delays in file visibility.
  4. Firewall Settings: Verify the firewall settings on all machines to ensure that they are not blocking the file-sharing protocols or causing any delays in file transfer.
  5. Antivirus Software: Antivirus software or security settings on any of the machines could be scanning the files before they appear, causing a delay. Check the settings to see if this is the case.

    Options to Consider:​

  6. Mapped Network Drive: Consider mapping the network drive on your Win7 machine instead of using direct network paths. This can sometimes resolve delays in file visibility.
  7. Check Network Configuration: Ensure that the network configurations on all machines are correct and that they are in the same workgroup or domain.
  8. Restart Server Service: Restart the Server service on the Windows Server 2008 system to refresh the connection and see if that resolves the delay in file visibility.
  9. Update Network Drivers: Ensure that the network drivers on all machines are up-to-date to avoid any compatibility issues that may cause delays.

    Additional Information:​

    If the issue persists after trying these troubleshooting steps, you could consider monitoring the network traffic using tools like Wireshark to identify any specific network issues causing the delay in file visibility. Let me know if you need further assistance or if you would like me to provide more detailed steps on any of the troubleshooting options mentioned above.
