Try this, this should help
1. Type regedit in RUN or Start search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
2. Now navigate to following key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell
3. Under "Shell" key, select "Bags" key and press "Delete" key. It'll ask for confirmation, click on Yes button.
4. Now right-click on "Shell" key and select "New -> Key" option. Set the name of new key as Bags
5. Now right-click on "Bags" key and select "New -> Key" option. Set the name of new key as AllFolders
6. Again right-click on "AllFolders" key and select "New -> Key" option. Now set the name of new key as Shell
So the final key path will be: