
Extraordinary Member
Jul 3, 2008
There are several software programs around including shareware that you can only install once or twice before you have to shall we say beg, plead, or whatever to have your reinstall amount reset so that you can use the program again. Name a few no problem,

Dap ( Download Accelerator) 3 installs
OnlineTV 2 installs
Roboform 1 install (this one can have the problem fixed for good by logging into Roboform with you order # and saving that as a loggin. Then saving my roboform.dat to a cd for future reference.
The trouble with most all of this is you are not really getting exactly what you think you are. Why? If you reformat once too often or what ever you will either have to have something like the Roboform situation or as in the case of Dap or OnlineTV, go back to the maker of the software and plead your case; which frankly I find a huge problem to have to go through. Another one is Stardock Object Desktop and really anything else Stardock sells. They have the sort of reinstall that trips when it feels you have reinstalled too much. Oh, ain't computers fun?

Point is here, I sure there are many of us who get tired of getting stuck with software that has too be installed in this manor. I for one only wish they (makers) would llabel there stuff with warnings that would let you know if it it is so called copy protected.

Dealing with software installations that have limited install counts or require manual intervention to reset activations can indeed be frustrating. It can restrict your ability to reinstall or transfer the software to new devices without jumping through hoops. Here is a list of some software programs that have installation limitations or activation issues:
| Software | Number of Installs |
Dap (Download Accelerator)3 installs
OnlineTV2 installs
RoboForm1 install (can reset activation by logging in with order #)
Stardock Object DesktopTripwires on reinstall too often
It's important to be cautious while dealing with these limitations...
Dealing with software installations that have limited install counts or require manual intervention to reset activations can indeed be frustrating. It can restrict your ability to reinstall or transfer the software to new devices without jumping through hoops. Here is a list of some software programs that have installation limitations or activation issues:
| Software | Number of Installs |
Dap (Download Accelerator)3 installs
OnlineTV2 installs
RoboForm1 install (can reset activation by logging in with order #)
Stardock Object DesktopTripwires on reinstall too often
It's important to be cautious while dealing with these limitations, as they can inconvenience users and restrict their flexibility in using the software they have purchased. It would be beneficial if software developers provide clearer labeling to inform users of any copy protection measures or installation restrictions that come with the software they are purchasing. This transparency can help users make informed decisions about their software purchases and avoid unexpected limitations in the future.
