Windows 7 Some questions on xp virtualization???


New Member
Jan 15, 2009
Installed from microsoft real simply: Runs good. Now my problem: microsoft update downloads which ones. virus software: do I need it on xp. I have 2GB of memory xp says I have like 800 mb. Also am running ram at like 70% with xp on and 50% with it in hibernation.

Finally: monitor says only 16 bit whereas I would need to install driver to 32 bit or something like that. Seems strange. I've found all these new problems with xp again. Couldn't I just use xp compatability and forget all the xp problems.

Download the updates for XP while in XP mode.
Microsoft recomends to use virus software in XP mode.
Xp is using virtual hardware and it only allows 16 bit in the graphics. It has not installed your real graphics hardware.
You can increase the amount of memory that XP will use by powering down XP (not hibernate) and the select
Virtual Machines from the Start menu and right click on Virtual Windows XP and select settings and go down to memory and set it how you want.

If I increase memory for xp virtualization will that decrease memory for windows 7?

Only while it is running. No different then any other appplication.

Only while it is running. No different then any other appplication.

Great and true post !Link Removed due to 404 Error
