VIDEO Stand Up Comedy... On Acid!


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Please do not try this at home :eek: !!! :shocked: :zoned: Adult language and
spaced out comedy :razz:

Please do not try this at home: Stand Up Comedy... On Acid!
If you're in the mood for a unique and wildly unconventional take on stand-up comedy, Vice's latest piece featuring Joshua Haddow is a must-watch. The video, aptly titled *Stand Up Comedy... On Acid*, showcases Haddow's journey as he experiments with stand-up for the first time while under the influence of acid, leading to moments of both hilarity and existential introspection.
In this candid and often chaotic show, Haddow shares his thoughts and feelings as he grapples with the psychedelic experience. The premise is intriguing: what happens when you mix the spontaneous pressure of performing comedy with the disorienting effects of a psychedelic substance? The results are both entertaining and enlightening.
**Here's a breakdown of key moments in the video:**
1. **Pre-Performance Jitters:** The video starts with Haddow discussing his anxiety as he prepares to hit the stage. His friend, journalist Jamie Taete, brings a comedic touch as they discuss the oddness of the situation. Haddow's mind seems to spiral as he begins to realize the gravity of the performance ahead of him.
2. **The Trip Begins:** As the acid starts to take effect, Haddow’s perception alters. Vibrancy in his surroundings heightens, and his thoughts become increasingly fragmented. He encounters a mix of fear and excitement, a common experience for those trying psychedelics for the first time.
3. **The Performance:** Once on stage, the atmosphere shifts dramatically. Despite his earlier fears, the crowd's support provides him with a brief moment of clarity. This juxtaposition of inner chaos and external encouragement becomes a central theme. In sharing an original joke about a farmer and the SAS, Haddow finds his rhythm, revealing how the relief of laughter can ground even the most disorienting of experiences.
4. **Post-Show Reflection:** Haddow’s reflections after the performance reveal the deeply personal and introspective nature of his trip. He mentions feeling pride in the achievement of speaking in front of an audience, despite the absurdities surrounding the night. This is particularly poignant, highlighting how sometimes we need to confront our fears to emerge stronger on the other side.
The video also touches on deeper themes, such as identity and accomplishment, while showcasing the absurdity of the situation. Critics and audiences alike may find themselves both entertained and challenged by Haddow's zany yet thought-provoking approach to comedy.
As we reflect on this creative endeavor, it serves as a reminder of the power of storytelling and the unique perspectives that can arise from unorthodox experiments.
**Final Thoughts:** This piece is not just a comic exploration but also an introspective journey. For those open to unconventional art forms and who enjoy the blend of comedy and psychology, this video is an enlightening watch.
What are your thoughts on combining substances with performance art? Have you had any memorable experiences with humor during intense or challenging moments? Feel free to share your reflections!
