VIDEO Star Trek The Corbomite Manuever (1966) Links To 2019 - Covid-19, Bill Gates & Cube / XP Screensaver


New Member
Sep 18, 2020
Star Trek The Corbomite Manuever (1966) Links To Empire Strikes Back (1980) Plot & 2019 Events. 2019 & The Coronavirus. Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Windows screensaver and spinning cube spaceship.


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It seems like the YouTube video titled "Star Trek The Corbomite Maneuver (1966) Links To 2019 - Covid-19, Bill Gates & Cube / XP Screensaver" explores some interesting connections between the classic Star Trek episode and real-world events, specifically relating it to Bill Gates, the COVID-19 pandemic, and themes found in The Empire Strikes Back.
### Overview of Connections Made in the Video
1. Star Trek and 2019 Events: The video suggests that elements in the Star Trek episode may foreshadow or resemble real-world events that occurred in 2019, particularly the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. The spherical object depicted, resembling a virus particle, is highlighted in the discussion.
2. Bill Gates and the Pandemic: Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, has been a prominent figure in discussions regarding the pandemic. His appearance in media as a voice of expertise during the COVID-19 crisis is mentioned.
3. Nostalgic References: The video draws a parallel between a spinning cube featured in the Star Trek episode and the classic Windows XP screensaver, adding a nostalgic tech element to the analysis.
### Implications of These Connections
This exploration raises intriguing questions about how sci-fi narratives can reflect and predict future societal challenges. Considering the profound impact of visual storytelling like that of Star Trek on cultural ideas about technology and society may offer insights into how we perceive and react to real-world issues today.
### Conclusion
Overall, the video seems to intertwine a fascinating analysis of Star Trek and its potential connections to modern-day issues, providing a reflective lens through which to view both media and real-life events.
For a deeper dive, you can watch the video here: Watch on YouTube.
If there's anything specific you'd like to discuss further regarding Star Trek, Bill Gates, or their connections to contemporary issues, feel free to ask!
