Windows 7 Startup Error


New Member
Jun 2, 2009
I've been running build 7000 of windows 7 since January and have had no problems with it until today. Whenever I attempt to start the computer it gets to the screen with the windows logo and once it finishes loading it freezes and I get an error. Unfortunately the screen with the error is only up for about 3s and then my computer restarts. After the restart it gives me a choice of booting to windows or going to the startup recovery manager. I have ran this several times and it has failed every time. It will boot into safe mode but I can't do a system recovery as it seems my computer hasn't made any recovery points.

I was really hoping that someone would be able to help me as I really don't want to have to start from scratch.

Best advice if your in the position is to back up all your personal files, and perform a clean install of the RC (7100) downloaded from Microsoft here.

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7000 is about to expire soon anyways and 7100 wont let you down.

Alright I'll start backing it up then. Thanks for the link.

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