Windows 10 Stop update to home version 1703 creator


New Member
Jun 25, 2017
Hi there,

Last week my system updated to Windows 10 home version 1703, OS build 15063.413. I am a heavy user of Protools audio software, using Protools 8.0.5. After the update Protools won't launch, giving the error "Could not complete your request because Access Violation - no RTTI data!".

I rolled back to Win10 version 1607 (build 14393.1358). Everything works again.

I could buy the latest Protools, but it's expensive. About $800 plus $100 per year licence for the plugins I already have with a perpetual licence. Windows update 1703 will break something that is perfectly fine and expensive to replace so I really don't want to do it.

Can I stop that update?

Alternatively, can anyone point me to a good guide for setting up a dual boot machine - I could then run Pro tools out of a Windows 7 boot. At least until I either work out how to get round the Win10 problem or save up enough cash to buy the latest software.

Thanks heaps!

I stead of a dual boot you could use VBOX than you could have both win 7 & win 10 open at the same time. Caveat is that the program you are using may not work in a virtual machine.

You could just run Windows 7 in a VM with virtualbox. That would be a lot easier than dual booting.

Thank so for the replies... pro tools uses FireWire to connect the audio interface. Had a look at VMware and virtualbox and these don't support FireWire.

Meantime I've turned off windows update in services until I figure out what to do. Hopefully that means it won't go back to 1703 next time I switch off!

Then your only other option is what you though of first dual boot.
Just do an internet search for how to dual boot win 10 & win 7 there should be plenty of tips and procedures.

Oh well. A bit of a pain, but I think that's what I'll do until I can save enough cash for the software. Thanks for your advice, much appreciated.
