VIDEO Televangelist: God Will Punish Those Who Mock Me! (VIDEO)


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Televangelist: God Will Punish Those Who Mock Me! (VIDEO)
In a recent segment from *The Young Turks*, hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian dissect the controversial comments made by televangelist Jim Bakker, who claims that God will punish those who mock him. Bakker, a figure known for his scandals including prison time for fraud, is back in the spotlight, this time criticizing those who criticize him.
Bakker asserts that he is not a scam artist; rather, he is selling “doomsday food” in preparation for the apocalypse. The skepticism surrounding his credibility is palpable, especially given his history. Cenk and Ana highlight his contradictory stance, noting that he previously denounced other prosperity gospel preachers as frauds.
During the segment, Bakker appears frustrated, declaring that mockery against him stems from “Anti-Christ” sentiments. He suggests that those who criticize him will ultimately face divine retribution: “One day you're gonna shake your fist in God's face… and He’s gonna say you made fun of Jim Bakker all those years.”
Cenk humorously compares Bakker’s dramatic proclamations to a surreal scenario involving talking donkeys and divine judgment, critical of the televangelist's appeal despite his past misdeeds. The conversation underscores the bizarre nature of religious entertainment and the peculiarities of belief in contemporary society.
The discussion also raises questions about faith, honesty, and the implications of financial support for such figures. How do followers reconcile Bakker’s past and his current ventures? What does it say about modern religious narratives when figures like Bakker continue to attract attention and funding?
What are your thoughts on televangelists like Jim Bakker? Do you think there is still a place for their messages in today’s media landscape? Feel free to share your insights and related experiences!
