Windows Vista Temperature


Former Moderator
Jan 15, 2008
Build your own "PC Thermometer"- Anybody know a simpler way to take the things temperature ? I have an increasing need to check, possibly my notebook heats up wiring in my phone ? :eek: Link Removed - Invalid URL

If you feel your notebook, may be hot, get a Chill Pad (with fans) and your base temps will drop approx 17% - mine does. For extremely hard tasks I use an small electric fan aimed at the bottom of my unit - it keeps it quite cool. Be sure to clear the dust from your vents.
I picked up a little gizmo from Goggle called "Mobile Meter". It's in my files, I haven't opened it up yet. This speed fan sounds more impressive. Have a fan installed on this notebook, but I have not heard a sound from it in ages. Maybe not so good- I was thinking. I get glowing performance reports from Norton and HP. When I plug a new phone in the wall, it works for a few phone calls then goes dead. DSL Extreme said to check the heat on my computer, then call AT&T. (And as for the way I can't unplug the cable from my notebook- it's a common problem.)

Hmm... i can't see why the temp in your computer will effect an wall phone but maybe they have their reasons...
Celestra, whats the make of your system again and I'll see what I can find out about the fan ect...

It's a Pavilion Dv 6449US Notebook. Turion 64x2 NVIDIA Go Force 6150 graphics HP Web Cam Light scribe Direct Disc Labeling (It's A lot of fun) Good Media Job Really- except I have to have very good DSL connection 256 kbs , outside I would need satellite or a service to keep speed.

Thanks Celestra.
I checked (this is the second time I've written this, hopefully it won't give me a data base error next time) for info concerning fans and heat without much success. Probably one reason you don't hear the fan so much is because their use is usually kept to a minimum to prolong battery life.
I thought the problem page was quite good though and in case you haven't already checked it out, you can access it here:
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If you feel your notebook, may be hot, get a Chill Pad (with fans) and your base temps will drop approx 17% - mine does. For extremely hard tasks I use an small electric fan aimed at the bottom of my unit - it keeps it quite cool. Be sure to clear the dust from your vents.
