
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
So the Rapture did happen but it was an invisible Rapture . Harold Camping and his followers were taken up but it was all done via doppelgangers.
The world only seems to carry on as normal !
It is all an illusion . God has everyone on earth being punished but you just cannot see or feel it . He does not want you to suffer you see .
While Harold and his followers are up in heaven, his doppelgangers remain on earth and we think his prophecy has failed .
God is hard at working kicking invisible butt . Boy is he putting the boot in but big time ! :razz:

When you look at Harold Camping you may see a senile bumbling old fool . All your seeing is a copy , a rush job by God . He had a massive change of heart and decided not to torture mankind .
The vibrant clever alive harold Camping is up in heaven . Your left with this ,senile, crazy, deluded,bumbling copy . :vomit:
