Windows 7 Thunderbird and Firefox


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
How can I import my Thunderbird inbox and settings?

Same qustion for FireFox. Bookmarks were no problem, but I can't import my profile

Mozbackup ? I don't know if it works but I use it on XP to backup my profile now and then

Edit: I tried mozbackup and it works

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MozBackup works like a charm :D

i've importet ff and tb in less than a minute:eek:

Don't use Mosback for email transfer.
Find the Original TBIRD email folder(s) at \users\your user name\application data\thunderbird\profiles\....... .default\
The mail folders have the names of your pop-servers - Mine were, and
In windows 7, in Thunderbird, manually add each account you want to move. If you don't know the account settings look at the old windows version for the settings.
In windows 7, in control panel set the folders to view hidden files.
Go to ...\users\(your computername)\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\profiles\xxxaqqua whatever\default\Mail.
OVERLAY the data in these Windows 7 mail folders with the data from the original mail folders.

TO MOVE ADDRESSES, EXPORT EACH ADDRESS BOOK TO xxxx.LDIF files and import into Windows 7 address book
FIREFOX Favorites Note:
Copy the bookmarks.html folder from old Windows version to new Windows 7.
Download the latest beta.Add google toolbar. This works as of 6/20/2009

ed6040 is almost correct, but actually it's much easier. Don't create any user accounts or do anything else after initial Thunderbird installation in Windows 7, except this.
In your original system (Win XP or whatever) go to "Documents and Settings\application data" and copy the entire Thunderbird directory to somewhere you'll be able to read in Win 7 (e.g. a memory stick, a CD etc.) or if you have more than one HD, you can use the original data directly, as I did.
Next, in Win 7 paste the entire Thunderbird directory into "..\users\computer name)\AppData\Roaming". Job done.
If you now load Thunderbird you'll find everything exactly as it was in your original installation.

Mozbackup worked fine for my Thunderbird installation restoring all my email folders and contents and accounts details. I used FEBE extension to backup and restore my Firefox installation.

Store profile on drive other than the system drive

How can I import my Thunderbird inbox and settings?

Same qustion for FireFox. Bookmarks were no problem, but I can't import my profile

If you prefer to have your (default maybe) profile on another drive (maybe with redundancy) than your system drive so that it can crash in peace without you loosing your e-mails then you could look at this documentation that helped me. In xp it was very easy to edit profiles.ini to point to whatever location you wanted, but it seems more tricky in Windows 7. In Windows 7 I had to use the profile manager to do this: Moving your profile folder - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

ed6040 is almost correct, but actually it's much easier. Don't create any user accounts or do anything else after initial Thunderbird installation in Windows 7, except this.
In your original system (Win XP or whatever) go to "Documents and Settings\application data" and copy the entire Thunderbird directory to somewhere you'll be able to read in Win 7 (e.g. a memory stick, a CD etc.) or if you have more than one HD, you can use the original data directly, as I did.
Next, in Win 7 paste the entire Thunderbird directory into "..\users\computer name)\AppData\Roaming". Job done.
If you now load Thunderbird you'll find everything exactly as it was in your original installation.
Just like you said Rover "Job done." Excellent solution. Thanks for the post.
I installed TB under W7 Pro 64-bit, works great.
Bob Helms

I used MozBackup, but it choked on the size of my email folders and couldn't create the zip file. I copied the entire contents of the profile file from my WinXP box to the Win7 profile. When I fired up Thunderbird, it spent all night "deciding what emails to index" and was still going the next morning, but none of the emails were visible. I then changed the compatibility mode to WinXP and the emails appeared. The latest date, however, was in 2007. None of the more recent emails were there. Ideas?

I did what Rover suggested and it worked -- tanks.

Actually, just rename Mozbackup's .pcv file into .zip and it's all there! - you can manually extract whatever you want from this file coz it's nothing more than a zip achieve ;)

Re: Thunderbird and Firefox (WORK ON 32 to 64 bit???)

Either I am doing something very wrong OR this does not work going from XP 32 bit to WIN 7 64 bit.

AM I wrong?

I transferred some of the email folders and the related MSF files
and when I open T-bird I see them for a second and they disappear...every time!

ed6040 is almost correct, but actually it's much easier. Don't create any user accounts or do anything else after initial Thunderbird installation in Windows 7, except this.
In your original system (Win XP or whatever) go to "Documents and Settings\application data" and copy the entire Thunderbird directory to somewhere you'll be able to read in Win 7 (e.g. a memory stick, a CD etc.) or if you have more than one HD, you can use the original data directly, as I did.
Next, in Win 7 paste the entire Thunderbird directory into "..\users\computer name)\AppData\Roaming". Job done.
If you now load Thunderbird you'll find everything exactly as it was in your original installation.
I can't find ..\users\computer name)\AppData\Roaming

I don't have an option for "AppData" What now??? I know it's there I just have no idea how to find it and I'm seriously beginning to HATE windows 7 and it's only Day 1.

Hi Anna1345;

The "path" to my Thunderbird files on my W7 PRO-64 laptop is;


With the exception of "Bob" yours should be the same.
I went through a conversion and was quite pleased
with how easy it was. Hope this helps.

Bob Helms

ed6040 is almost correct, but actually it's much easier. Don't create any user accounts or do anything else after initial Thunderbird installation in Windows 7, except this.
In your original system (Win XP or whatever) go to "Documents and Settings\application data" and copy the entire Thunderbird directory to somewhere you'll be able to read in Win 7 (e.g. a memory stick, a CD etc.) or if you have more than one HD, you can use the original data directly, as I did.
Next, in Win 7 paste the entire Thunderbird directory into "..\users\computer name)\AppData\Roaming". Job done.
If you now load Thunderbird you'll find everything exactly as it was in your original installation.

So when it opens after install, don't do anything, just close it, right?

Maybe that's not possible.
