Windows 7 Tips on using 7

Kemical..that site is amazing ..
alot of informations i never thought it exists .. lol
thanks alot ..

The only good one for me is the one I already knew; Built in image burner.

Kemical..that site is amazing ..
alot of informations i never thought it exists .. lol
thanks alot ..

Glad you liked it.... :)

Many of these 'tips' will also work in vista...

I think it should be here.. for those of you who hasn't discovered a recovery console, then you can find it if you boot from your Windows 7 installation cd, after choosing your country/language there you can go to "Repair computer". It has such options as System Restore, Fix boot problems, CMD, Memory test..i might have missed out something,

Another Cool Feature included in Windows 7 and Vista is a more awesome looking alt tab type of program. Just hold the windows key and tab and you get a 3d alt tab type program switcher.

Another Cool Feature included in Windows 7 and Vista is a more awesome looking alt tab type of program. Just hold the windows key and tab and you get a 3d alt tab type program switcher.

Nice one!. Cool tip....:cool:

Another Cool Feature included in Windows 7 and Vista is a more awesome looking alt tab type of program. Just hold the windows key and tab and you get a 3d alt tab type program switcher.

Now that is pretty cool.

The 3d feature is an interesting feature. but with the new taskbar it has pretty much put alt tab and win tab out of business. You get a window preview between programs anyway.

The 3D Flip feature is cool.. but kind of dated now as it was around when Vista was first released.. in fact that was one of Vista's main selling points if I remember correctly.. Futureshop flyers still have the pictures of that feature on the screens of their computers from time to time.. ;) And as you said Iroken22. .with the new taskbar this 3D flip feature is pretty much obsolete..

Hey, nice tips, neither of which I knew about! (alt-tab/win-tab)

The 3D Flip feature is cool.. but kind of dated now as it was around when Vista was first released.. in fact that was one of Vista's main selling points if I remember correctly.. Futureshop flyers still have the pictures of that feature on the screens of their computers from time to time.. ;) And as you said Iroken22. .with the new taskbar this 3D flip feature is pretty much obsolete..

I disagree, I still find Flip 3D very useful for a quick flick through the windows I have open. I have it programed into my MS Explorer Mouse and still use it often.

The ability to reduce the size of the taskbar using small icons is something I hadn't bothered looking into. I definitely like the smaller look better as a personal preference.

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The ability to reduce the side of the taskbar using small icons is something I hadn't bothered looking into. I definitely like the smaller look better as a personal preference.


Hi guys - great tips -- I've downloaded it to a file for future reference. I won't use the dock at left / right (tip 22) since I use EXCEL spread sheets a lot and the Wide screen format is fine.

A little tip missing from the blog (I might have missed it - so excuse if it's already covered) is that you can change the size of the desktop icons very easily (works in Vista too) by positioning your mouse anywhere on the Desktop and by just holding CTRL and rotating the scroll wheel on the mouse you can alter the desktop icon size from HUGE to TINY.


Sweet I never knew bout that 3d switcher and all this time Ive been using that 2d thing...

another thing i really appreciate is the possibility to seperately control the volume for every program.
just click on the sound-icon in the taskbar corner and choose mixer!
finally i can mute annoying flashgames while still listening to music via wmplayer:D

another thing i really appreciate is the possibility to seperately control the volume for every program.
just click on the sound-icon in the taskbar corner and choose mixer!
finally i can mute annoying flashgames while still listening to music via wmplayer:D

Agreed, I really like that feature... I can control the level of notification sounds in IM programs like Xfire and Live messenger whilst listening to music or playing a game, definately a welcome addition!

And the rest of the tips on offer are great too, I personally love the 3D window switcher, it gives you a better idea of what is in each window than the taskbar version which can be too small at times :)

Keep the tips coming!

I think it should be here.. for those of you who hasn't discovered a recovery console, then you can find it if you boot from your Windows 7 installation cd, after choosing your country/language there you can go to "Repair computer". It has such options as System Restore, Fix boot problems, CMD, Memory test..i might have missed out something,

Why just an URL here.Good post indeed

If anyone uses Microsoft OneNote, try hitting the Windows button + S. It opens the snipping tool and saves the snip inside of OneNote. Very useful for doing screen shots without having to do a printscreen or even opening the snipping tool and manually saving it. Once it's saved in OneNote you can save it elsewhere if you want.
