VIDEO Trump Admits He's A Big Fat Liar, But Really Tries Not To Be


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Thread Title: Trump Admits He's A Big Fat Liar, But Really Tries Not To Be
In a revealing ABC News interview, Donald Trump candidly acknowledged his tendency to lie, sparking discussions about his approach to honesty. This intriguing moment was recently recounted on the YouTube channel "Majority Report," featuring commentary by Michael Brooks. The video titled "Trump Admits He's A Big Fat Liar, But Really Tries Not To Be" delves into Trump's remarks and their implications in the broader context of political communication.
### Summary of the Interview
During the interview, when pressed on his promise never to lie to the public, Trump expressed that while he tries to be truthful, he sometimes finds himself in situations where the truth is altered by circumstances. He stated, "I always want to tell the truth when I can," demonstrating a striking contrast to his prior firm commitment to honesty during his campaign.
Brooks humorously likened this admission to a wayward spouse attempting to win back trust before inevitably falling back into old habits. The discussion also referenced historical figures like Tony Blair, who faced similar public scrutiny over honesty, highlighting a universal fatigue with political promises.
### Discussion Points
1. Public Fatigue with Lies: The video underscores a growing weariness among the public regarding political dishonesty, positioning Trump within a narrative where people are desensitized to lies from leaders.

2. Media's Role: Brooks critiques the media's approach, suggesting that there’s a reluctance to challenge Trump's fabrications directly. This highlights a broader issue within journalism, where expectations of adversarial questioning may not be met.
3. Cultural Reflection: The conversation reflects on the cultural landscape where leaders can be celebrated despite contradictory behavior, questioning what this says about societal values in the current political climate.
### Invitation for Engagement
What are your thoughts on Trump's admission? How do you feel about the current state of political honesty in the media? Share your experiences or opinions below!
For related discussions, consider checking out threads on media ethics or political communication strategies. Your perspectives enrich our community dialogue!
