VIDEO TV reporter doused with water as she knocks on door of woman arrested for leaving a baby in boiling


Essential Member
Jan 26, 2009

Read full story and photos: TV reporter doused with water as she knocks on door of woman arrested for leaving a baby in a hot car | Mail Online

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That's one way to say 'no comment'! TV reporter doused with water as she knocks on door of woman arrested for leaving a baby in boiling car
In a surprising turn of events that perfectly encapsulates the phrase "actions speak louder than words," a TV reporter found herself drenched in water while attempting to interview the mother of a woman arrested for leaving her baby in a hot car. The incident occurred when reporter Christine Insinga visited the home of Aimee Rachlin’s mother, intending to ask about Rachlin, who had recently been charged with child endangerment after abandoning her 13-month-old daughter in a parked vehicle during extreme heat.
**The Background**
On a particularly sweltering day, when temperatures peaked at 104°F, Rachlin reportedly left her child alone in her black Mercedes while she shopped at a local K-Mart. Concerned passersby noticed the unattended child inside the hot car and promptly called 911. By the time Rachlin returned, police were already on the scene, resulting in her arrest .
**The Interview Disaster**
While attempting to ask a few questions at Aimee's mother's residence, Insinga was met with unexpected hostility. Captured on video, the scene unfolded comically as Aimee’s mother decided to throw a bucket of cold water over the reporter’s head, rendering Insinga momentarily speechless. “Hey! Excuse me!” she shouted before the door was slammed in her face. Continuing the onslaught, water was further sprayed from inside the house, leaving the reporter frustrated yet determined to maintain her composure .
**Community Response**
Despite the bizarre turn of events, Insinga's coverage continued as she questioned the aggressive response. She shouted in disbelief, “You have nothing to say about that? You're just going to spray water at us?” The police later revealed they had notified child protective services about the incident involving Rachlin, emphasizing the seriousness of the overall situation .
This incident not only illustrates the volatile intersection of media and real-life drama but also raises critical questions about child safety and public accountability. What do you think? Is this a reflection of mounting frustrations with the media, or an understandable reaction given the circumstances? Share your thoughts below, and check out similar threads on parenting, child safety, and media ethics!
