Windows 7 Unable to move folder


Honorable Member
Nov 17, 2012
I have a folder called 'PG'. I "Cut' this folder and then attempt to 'Paste' it under a folder called 'XXX' which does not have a folder beneath it called 'PG'. When I attempt to do the 'Paste' operation I get a message in a "Confirm Folder Replace" dialog:

"The destination already contains a folder named 'General'.

If any files have the same names you will be asked if you want to replace those files.

Do you still want to merge the folder"

followed by a picture of a Folder called 'General'

"with this one'

followed by a picture of a folder called 'PG'."

Huh ?????

There is no 'General' folder under 'XXX'. Even if there were why would Windows7 want to merge a folder called 'PG' with a folder called 'General' ?

I have seen a number of Windows strange doings but this one by the OS really baffles me.
seems like your post has been missed. Can you post what it is exactly your trying to achieve?
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