Just a tip to consider next time - edit your first post and attach any new minidumps there.
You have 129 updates installed, normally Windows 7 has about 140, so check Windows Update for any available updates.
I notice you have an SSD (OCZ Agility 3) installed - SSD controller drivers have been known to cause crashes before, so could you check that:
A - Your SSD drivers are up to date
B - The drivers don't have any reported problems
McAfee Inc. mfefirek This device is not present, is not working properly, or does not have all its drivers installed.
Could you check this device and check that all the relevant drivers are installed and working.
A few problem reports point to Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion.exe (and the dev version once) -
A - Reinstalling Steam.
B - Reinstalling SOASE Rebellion
C - Removing the dev version from your computer (a few forum threads do report minidumps with the dev version)
The other problem reports:
- McAfee Host [mchost.exe] --- Uninstall McAfee and use a different AV software (Microsoft Security Essentials, for example)
- Audio Engine [Audiodg.exe] --- Probably from either your games or a movie/video.
1. Right-Click the Speaker Icon on the taskbar.
2. Select Playback Device from the list. Another box should appear, with a list of devices.
3. Double-click the device/s that have a green tick.
4. Select the Enhancements tab.
5. Click the Disable all enhancements checkbox.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat with all other devices, then see if the problem still exists.
- System Restore Application [rstrui.exe] --- Not sure how to fix this problem, sorry.
- Service Host [svchost.exe] --- Controls your service/s needs.
Before attempting to fix this:::
Close any open programs and windows.
Open Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL). Click the tab labelled "Memory", then click "Show processes from all users" - now you can see which services are hogging the most of your CPU.
1. Make a list of all the services that are using up your memory - record their "Image Name" and "Description".
2. Go to Start Menu, and type in "msconfig".
3. Under the "Services" tab, uncheck the services that you previously listed down.
4. Uncheck any other services that you don't think are needed (best check google to make sure you aren't terminating a critical service).
5. Reboot your computer and check Task Manager once more.
- BorderLands 2 [Borderlands2.exe] ---
- Try:
- Reinstalling Steam
- Reinstalling BorderLands 2
- Check your Video Drivers are up to date
- Check you have the latest DirectX Software.
- Intel Rapid Storage Technology [IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe] --- may be eating up your memory, disable it through services.
- Skype - Click to Call [c2c_service.exe] --- Reinstall Skype, or don't use click to call.
That's all I've got down at the moment - I haven't got my minidump analyzer with me for another 2 or 3 weeks, so for your other files, I can't help. Sorry if that causes any inconvenience, however I'm hoping that someone else can come along and help analyze your minidumps.