CCleaner is a very good program.
Don't you use it in Registry Mode to clean the registry?
No offense, but I have to disagree that they are still debating whether registry cleaning is a good idea.
Keeping the registry size down by eliminating references to programs that have been uninstalled and are leftover in the registry helps Windows boot faster. This could amount to hundreds of keys and thousands of values, especially under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID branch.
30-day trials and other shareware are notorious for adding cryptic keys in the registry, so you can't re-install the program after the 30 days are up. You'll receive an error message stating you time period has expired.
I have been using Registry Mechanic since around the year 2000 and it has never removed any keys that prevent any programs from running.
When I install anything, I use a program called Regshot to capture all the keys and values modified or added by the install. If I don't want to keep the program, I use Revouninstaller to remove it, then run a program called Regseeker to search for name or manufacturer in the registry and eliminate those that even Revouninstaller didn't remove. You do have to be careful and have some knowledge of the registry when using RegSeeker.
I then usually use Registry Mechanic about once a week.
So I guess I'm one of those cleaning nerds as well
If you open Regedit and navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE branch, I can almost guarantee you that you will find references to programs you no longer have on your computer. I've done it myself...couldn't believe they were still there after using all 3 programs.
reghakr=registry hacker
I've been manually editting the registry since 1995
I'm sure I've probbaly missed some points in this post, but if other posts are made, I can clarify or provide links to the programs I've mentioned.