Windows 7 VLC RC1 1.0 released


New Member
Jan 16, 2009
All these years with VLC and they have finally released the release candidate for their media player. I didnt even know it was still in beta!

VLC RC1 1.0

If you've ever used VLC you've probably grown to love it for its out-of-the-box support for virtually any file type you can throw at it.With VLC 1.0, you can expect all of the same great functionality, plus some additional features including:
  • Instantaneous pausing
  • On-the-fly recording for all medias
  • Timeshift for most medias
  • New Blu-Ray Linear PCM decoder
  • Global Hotkeys on Windows and Linux
  • Controllable by the Media Keys on modern Apple keyboards (OS X only)
  • Several new and improved decoders, demuxers, encoders, and other codec-related goodies

Ok I tried it again and remembered the reason why I didn't like it. I have this Video in my computer that I like to watch occasionally. With WMP I can just open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file for it and it will play the whole thing straight through. VLC won't open the .ifo file at all. Instead I have to open all the individual .vob files and when it changes from file to file it displays the name of the file in the movie.

The reason it's in DVD format is because I sometimes burn a copy for friends.

I'll keep it though. It'll probably be great for .avi files and stuff like that. WMP12 seems to have the codecs to open .avi though. With previous versions I had to install codecs into my system to open .avi.

Maybe there's a way to get VLC to show...