Windows 7 W7 7201 to leak today

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Extraordinary Member
Nov 11, 2008
Sukonka announced that she would release Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Build 7201 from winmain_win7ids_sp branch (don't mix up with winmain_sp branch) this evening. Both x86 & x64. The build she will release is 6.1.7201.0.winmain_win7ids_sp.090601-xxxx (however WZor has already reported that build 6.1.7201.0.winmain_win7ids_sp.090602-xxxx had been compiled).

Let's wait and see. The leak should happen really soon.

Edit: From Wzor:

Service Pack winmain_win7ids_sp branch:
6.1.7201.0.winmain_win7ids_sp.090601-2255 - build leaked to web by SUKONKA
6.1.7201.0.winmain_win7ids_sp.090602-xxxx - actual build
Well done again Blackrose

Just been over on KezNews and saw that info . Hot footed back to the forum and blow me ! You had it posted
Waiting also the translation pack

Installing for now 32bit version on 10" MSI U100...seems the same of 7100...let's see
Installing for now 32bit version on 10" MSI U100...seems the same of 7100...let's see

There won't be any drastic changes from now to the Retail.. Just simple tweaks to various areas and minor bug fixes.. Nothing to get too excited over as far as major differences go.. Now in performance, stability, compatibility, functionality, etc, those areas will all be improved upon in every build that comes out from now to the Retail.. But as far as looks go, Windows 7 RC is what Windows 7 Retail will look like for the most part..
Just installed 7201 Link Removed due to 404 Error

Very happy did an upgrade so far no issues but its early days

Radenight is correct no changes in the look as far as I can see
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so is 7201 going to reboot every 2 hours after July first, making it a waste of time...................
Hmm...looking over my uTorrent downloads list on my other PC, I noticed that for x64 this build is the smallest yet (3.00 GB). The rest were about 3.03-3.05, and Build 7127 jumped up to 3.23 GB.

I'm taking this build being smaller as a good sign
one thing i noticed in this build was my index score was different,i got a lower score with this all previous builds my index score was 3.5 now in this i only get 3.1...i wonder if microsoft have changed how the index score works?
Dont think so its still 3.5 this way Link Removed due to 404 Error
everything else has stayed the same apart from gaming graphics has gone from 3.9 to 3.1.......weird!
That's funny. My WEI stayed the same due to my HD, but my graphics scores jumped from 5.9 to 6.9. The new Nvidia driver + 7201 = Awesome.
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