Windows 7 W7 local network problem - can not access/ping my own external IP server address


New Member
Aug 8, 2009
Hi All.

This is the issue i'm having with W7 as a server...
- connection to internet is fine for all clients
- pinging outside world also works great
- sharing is fine
- i can not ping server by it's external IP from a PC on local network behind this server. But users on internet can ping my server
- i also can not access my IIS with external IP/domain name in browser URL from PCs in local network. Outside users can access it.

What have i missed/screwed up here? Can't think of nothing at the moment. Clean install, even lowered firewalls to check if it was that. It wasn't.


Had / Have the same problem... at home and at work...

Probably spent 20+hours looking for a solution.... While this is not a permanent solution, but a quick fix, it works until a better solution can be found.

Go to the control panel and device manager, find your network card, disable it, leave for a few seconds and re-enable it... worked for me..

Hope this helps


Had / Have the same problem... at home and at work...

Probably spent 20+hours looking for a solution.... While this is not a permanent solution, but a quick fix, it works until a better solution can be found.

Go to the control panel and device manager, find your network card, disable it, leave for a few seconds and re-enable it... worked for me..

Hope this helps


