Windows 7 W7 SATA HD question


New Member
May 17, 2009
I just installed windows 7, and everything is working great so far except for one thing.

When I view Computer folder, it only shows one of my two hard drives under Hard Drive section. I have two SATA Hard Drives, a 1TB drive windows is installed on, and another 500gb HardDrive for Mp3s. The strange thing is that I see both Hard Drives in the bios menu, and also in Windows 7'd Device mananger. I just cant see it in Windows Explorer.

Any Ideas?


You need to assign it a drive letter in the disk management screen, then it should show up.

Can you direct me to the disk management screen.


Right click Computer->Manage then go to Storage and launch disk management. Within disk management, right click on the other hd and there should be something about drive letter.

Got it. And I now see it on the computer folder.

Thanks for the help!


similar issue, only different

I had the same problem, and I was able to get the drive visible by adding a drive letter. However, if I reboot the system (ir it boots itself), the drive letter is lost and I have to reassign the letter and create the share all over again.

Any ideas on what I can do to fix this?

Thanks in advance,
