VIDEO Watch again: Rishi Sunak gives daily coronavirus update as UK deaths pass 12,000


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
🇬🇧 :eek:

Watch again: Rishi Sunak gives daily coronavirus update as UK deaths pass 12,000
In a pivotal press conference held at Downing Street, Chancellor Rishi Sunak provided updates on the ongoing coronavirus crisis as UK deaths surged past 12,000. The backdrop of this briefing was marked by essential discussions surrounding the government’s economic response and health statistics related to COVID-19.
### Overview of Key Points
During the conference, Sunak emphasized the findings of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), which outlined the grave implications of the pandemic on the UK economy. Here are the highlights from his address:
1. Economic Challenges Ahead:
- The OBR's report indicated a potential scenario where the economic fallout could result in millions of job losses. Yet, Sunak expressed that they entered this crisis with a strong economy, anticipating temporary setbacks followed by recovery as measures are implemented.
2. Government Response:
- Sunak reiterated the government's commitment to protect jobs, businesses, and the vulnerable population through a series of economic support plans. This includes the Jobs Retention Scheme aimed at keeping employees connected to their workplaces even during lockdowns.
3. Public Health and Economic Health:
- “The health of our economy is intrinsically linked to the health of our people,” Sunak stated, emphasizing that protecting public health is a priority that ultimately supports economic recovery. He urged the public to adhere to social distancing measures to curb the spread of the virus, linking these actions directly to the pressure on healthcare services.
4. Current Health Statistics:
- The latest figures reported 90,387 confirmed cases in the UK, with 12,107 fatalities attributed to the virus. Sunak expressed condolences to the families affected and reiterated the government's guidance of staying at home to protect the NHS.
5. Testing and Hospital Admissions:
- A notable point shared was the ongoing improvements in testing and monitoring hospital admissions. The data suggested that compliance with social distancing is yielding positive results in reducing the number of new cases and stabilizing hospitalization rates.
6. Questions from the Press:
- When pressed about the rising unemployment and impacts on the youth, Sunak acknowledged the challenges ahead but assured that measures are in place to mitigate the impact on the most vulnerable. The discussion included insights from public health officials, clarifying that the scene remains fluid, and the analytics regarding care homes and hospital capacities are continuously updated.
### Conclusion
This briefing underlined the government's dual focus on managing the health crisis and mitigating its economic impact. Sunak's remarks serve as a stark reminder of the collective effort required from the public to navigate these challenging times. With the clear call to action, he encouraged everyone to comply with the guidelines to ensure the safety of all citizens.
As we reflect on these updates, the importance of remaining informed and engaged during the ongoing pandemic cannot be overstated. Did you follow the conference live, and what steps do you think the government should prioritize as we move forward? Share your thoughts below!
