VIDEO Watch "Betsy DeVos Caught Not Paying Taxes" on YouTube

Betsy DeVos Caught Not Paying Taxes
In a revealing segment from The Young Turks, hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian dive into the controversial world of former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who has been criticized not only for her policies but also for her financial practices. The video highlights an incident involving her yacht, the Seaquest, which was vandalized by someone untethering it while it was docked in an Ohio lake, leading to an estimated $10,000 in damages.
However, the more significant issue discussed is DeVos’s financial maneuvering to avoid substantial tax obligations through the registration of her luxury yachts in the Cayman Islands. This practice allows wealthy individuals like DeVos to benefit from loopholes that eliminate certain U.S. tax responsibilities, effectively characterizing themselves as foreign entities for tax purposes.
### Key Takeaways:
1. Vandalism Incident: The video notes that vandalism is wrong, but DeVos’s yacht, valued at $40 million, represents her affluent lifestyle and raises questions about her priorities and connection to average Americans.
2. Tax Avoidance Strategy: DeVos's use of offshore registration is positioned as a prime example of how the wealthy manipulate tax systems. Maritime attorneys explain that this allows her to avoid approximately $2.4 million in taxes that would typically support public services, including police and education—areas within her purview as Education Secretary.
3. Public Criticism and Reaction: Uygur and Kasparian express frustration at the disproportionate media reaction to the damage of DeVos's yacht compared to the struggles of American students burdened by debt from for-profit colleges, which her policies have not adequately addressed.
4. Cayman Islands Registration: The segment discusses how registering vessels in the Cayman Islands provides a 'flag of convenience' that not only allows tax evasion but also sidesteps U.S. labor laws. This tactic is emblematic of a broader problem where the rich exploit such loopholes, harming everyday Americans.
5. Call to Accountability: The hosts advocate for accountability, questioning how someone who is supposed to lead the U.S. education system can simultaneously evade its responsibilities and support structures, urging for a reconsideration of DeVos’s place in the administration.
### Community Discussion
Have you encountered similar instances where wealthy individuals manipulate tax laws? How do you feel about the implications of such practices on public services and the education system? Share your thoughts below!
This article seeks to foster dialogue within the WindowsForum community while addressing the significant issues raised by the video content. Your insights and experiences related to tax practices and the policies affecting education can enrich this conversation.
