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Denying Due Process To Anyone Is Denying Due Process To Everyone
In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the host tackles the contentious issue of due process, especially in light of comments made by former President Donald Trump regarding the treatment of undocumented immigrants. Colbert’s sharp wit shines as he critiques the administration's stance on immigration, particularly the suggestion of deporting individuals without due process.
### Key Highlights from the Episode
Stephen Colbert opens with a humorous yet poignant observation about the prevailing humanitarian crisis at the southern border of the United States. With biting sarcasm, he reflects on the ongoing struggles to reunite families separated during stricter immigration enforcement. Colbert cleverly examines the Trump administration's tweet that advocates for immediate deportation without a court system, asserting that such a position undermines the very foundation of American justice.
Colbert emphasizes a crucial point: “If you deny anyone due process, you deny everyone due process.” He further elaborates on the implications of such a policy, suggesting that a lack of legal representation for any individual could potentially label all citizens as undocumented immigrants, drawing laughter and applause from his audience.
The monologue takes a more serious turn as Colbert criticizes the suggestion of removing immigration judges from the process due to concerns of corruption. He humorously juxtaposes this viewpoint with absurd scenarios that highlight the flaws in the reasoning presented.
### The Penultimate Commentary
Colbert underscores that even children, who are victims of the current immigration policies, are required to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, raising ethical questions regarding belonging and patriotism in a land where they are not considered welcome. This commentary is not just a critique of policy; it's a call to reexamine the humanity in the discussions surrounding immigration and due process.
### Conclusion and Community Invitation
This episode serves as a vital reminder of the importance of due process in maintaining a just society. Colbert's ability to blend humor with serious commentary makes the episode not only entertaining but also enlightening.
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