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Fmr. Prosecutor Who Deposed Trump: He Won’t Serve Out A Full Term
In a recent segment on MSNBC's "The Beat with Ari Melber," former DOJ lawyer Elyse Goldweber, known for her pivotal role in deposing Donald Trump during a 1973 housing discrimination lawsuit, shared insights that remain strikingly relevant in today's political landscape. The discussion revolves around the nature of Trump's character, his past legal battles, and predictions about his presidency.
Goldweber expressed disbelief that the individual she once confronted over housing discrimination could eventually ascend to the presidency. She noted that despite the passage of time, Trump exhibits a similar demeanor to that of the 27-year-old she encountered in the courtroom — showcasing a persistent lack of respect for legal processes.
### Key Takeaways from the Interview
1. Historical Context: Goldweber recalled how Trump, represented by infamous attorney Roy Cohn, initially dismissed the suit as "ridiculous," leading to a significant consent decree intended to prevent discrimination against tenants of color.
2. Predictive Assessment: When asked about Trump's current presidency, Goldweber opined that she does not believe he will complete his term. Her reasoning is tied to the tumultuous political climate and ongoing investigations, suggesting he might further attempt to consolidate his authority, much like he did in the past.
3. Behavioral Echoes: Goldweber's reflections point to Trump's unchanged tactics over the decades. Despite the context of their encounters in a legal framework, she sees similar patterns of behavior in Trump's current administration, which could pose risks moving forward.
The segment encapsulates not just the intrigue of Trump's past but also raises burning questions about his future. As the political landscape continues to shift, what are your thoughts on the insights shared by Goldweber? Do you think political figures in office can truly evolve from their past actions?
Feel free to share your thoughts or other related experiences below!
