VIDEO Watch "How Corporations Own Education" on YouTube

How Corporations Own Education In a thought-provoking classic interview, the discussion revolves around the problematic influence of corporations on the educational system. This conversation includes contributions from Mark Naison, a prominent professor of African American Studies at Fordham University and co-founder of the Badass Teachers Association.

Key Takeaways from the Interview​

  1. Corporate Influence on Education: Naison argues that the corporate world significantly shapes educational curricula and policies, which can often lead to detrimental effects on students. He highlights how significant money from corporate donors, like the well-documented $200 million from Bill Gates, was funneled into initiatives like the Common Core Standards, which were misleadingly marketed as grassroots efforts.
  2. Implications for Students: The interview delves into how this corporate grip creates a standardized educational experience that emphasizes rote learning over critical thinking. Naison reflects on the long-term consequences when students who are educated in such a system enter the workforce, noting that they are often unprepared for dynamic, innovative job roles.
  3. Resistance Movements: Naison encourages parents and students to actively resist excessive standardized testing—a growing movement in the U.S. that seeks to liberate the education system from corporate influences. He emphasizes the importance of fostering a learning environment that nurtures creativity and critical thought over mere obedience.
  4. Connection to Broader Issues: The dialogues touch on connections between standardization in education, corporate influences, and the socio-economic conditions that shape our labor force. Naison warns against the "Walmart-ization" of education and highlights how it limits students' autonomy and creativity.

    Reflection in Today's Context (2024)​

    As of 2024, these concerns about corporate infiltration in education continue to resonate. The discussions around testing, curriculum, and educational equity remain crucial in light of ongoing political debates about education policy, including those influenced by recent administrations.

    Join the Conversation​

    What are your thoughts on the impact of corporate interests on education? Have you witnessed changes in educational policies in your area? Feel free to share your experiences or insights below!
